
The World of the Culture of Heart

Pyeong Hwa Gyeong

The World of the Culture of Heart
1.   The Path of the Movement for Finding the True Ancestral Root    1009
2.  Congratulatory Remarks at the Inaugural Celebration of the Universal Ballet Academy   1015
3.  Becoming Leaders in Building a World of Peace   1018
4.  Budding a World of Heart-Centered Culture   1024
5.  Become a Standard-Bearer for Justice   1033
6.  The Youth Culture Must Become a Pure Love Movement   1038
7.  Everything Wants True Love 1042
Congratulatory Address for the World Hanmadang Sports Festival 2000   1052
9.  Dialogue and Harmony among Civilizations   1057
10. The Kingdom of Heaven: Who Will Enter It, and How Will They Get There?   1061
11. The Root of Peace Is in True Love   1066
12. The Path for the True Salvation of the World and the Nation   1074
13. Education Based on Godism   1079
14. The Significance of the Inauguration of the Sun Moon Peace Cup   1085
15. Let Us Achieve Everlasting Harmony among Religions   1093
16. Determining the Owner of True Love According to the Absolute Value System of the True Ideal Famdy   1099
17. The True Revolution of Heart and the Opening of the Era of True Liberation and Complete Freedom   1106
18. God Is Our True Parent, True Teacher and True King   1118
19. The Three Great Subject Partners Principle from the Viewpoint of God’s Providence   1123
20. Event to Mark the Distribution of Fifty Thousand Copies of Father’s Autobiography   1129

The World of the Culture of Heart
The Path of the Movement for
Finding the True Ancestral Root
June 23,1989
Little Angels Performing Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
Inauguration of Rev. Sun Myung Moon as President of the Korean
Association for Finding Ancestral Roots
Respected president, eminent guests, and head and leaders of each clan representing the Korean people:
Today I thank you for your dedicated effort in preparing this meaningful ceremony to install me as the chairman of the Korean Association for Finding Ancestral Roots.
My reason for accepting the post of chairman
As you might already know, I am the founder of the Unification Church, the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, the Assembly of the World’s Religions and the World Media Association. While guiding the global Unification movement, I have been made chairman or honorary president of many important organizations. However, seen providentially, the significance of this ceremony is very remarkable. I deeply hope this movement can bring about the opportunity to find and better attend God, who is the root of all beings and of life itself.
From ancient times, Koreans have put emphasis on clans, and have regarded the ancestors and the root of their clans as most precious. Some say that such a tradition came from the fact that Korean history was the history of an agrarian society based on a collective, sedentary lifestyle, with villages whose members had the same family names. Others feel the origin of such a tradition was the Confucian teaching whose core was the family ethic. However, the ultimate origin lies in a deeper place.
From early times, Koreans respected Heaven and treated filial piety as the most fundamental virtue. God raised Korean people to worship their ancestors and to show filial piety to their parents. This was in order to make them the people in the world who best know how to attend God, the root and Parent of all human beings. Thus, Koreans have been taking care of their clans and lineages out of loyalty, filial piety and etiquette. This is based on their outstanding respect for Heaven.
All of you, as represeptatives of your clans and lineages, have been working to preserve your precious traditions by teaching them to the next generation. However, Korean society is going through the process of rapid industrialization and urbanization, causing the communitarian spirit to fade. The position of the family is challenged from many sides, and it is changing. We recently faced a crisis that has shaken our traditional culture and good customs. This situation is worsened by intergenerational conflict in families and confrontations between labor and management in business.
The starting point for a world of happiness
A true Association for Finding Ancestral Roots needs to develop into a movement not only for finding and attending the ancestors of each of our clans, but also for confirming that all of us are descendants from the same root. Genealogies on the clan level need to be unified into a genealogy of the entire people. Clan-level root consciousness needs to give way to the consciousness of a deeper root, which acts as the centripetal force of all humanity. Originally we were not created to live in relationships in which people could not survive except by eliminating their rivals. We are created as one community, receiving life from the same root. Our movement cannot be restricted to the individual level. The root of various races is ultimately one, and we need to educate human beings to harmonize through that one root and to live as a community of passengers on the same boat, called the planet Earth.
With the development of science and technology, human beings have come to need international cooperation, now more than at any time in history. Good global communication and joint projects for resource mobilization are urgently needed. The quality of air and water in the global natural environment must be preserved for the survival of our descendants. We in contemporary society cannot predict the future of the world. We are uneasy about the impact of ideological confrontation between East and West, mass-production of modern weapons, international terrorism and crime, the prevailing trends of decadence, and so on.
All leaders need to open their minds, cooperate internationally and harmonize for the purpose of the whole in order to solve urgent world problems. Now more than ever, we need to understand humanity as one organic community, demolish barriers between races, and harmonize and unite cultures. How can we eliminate the barriers between peoples and fundamentally remove the obstacles to peace so as to realize the ideal world?
The opinions at this meeting about lineage are so diverse, and to make harmony and unity is so difficult, even in one family. The clue for a solution must be found somewhere. How do we harmonize different cultures and traditions to make one world family without wars, and create a world of happiness? The fundamental answer can be found when we understand God, who is both the beginning and root of each one of us individually and the root of all people.
My purpose in communicating with God and wandering in search of the heavenly laws, and going through a course of spiritual discipline and practice throughout my seventy-year life, was to provide the solution for this fundamental problem. Men and women are meant to live centered on the mind, not the body. Yet our body-centered life may soon bring an end to humankind. Thus it is urgent to solve the fundamental relationship with God.
Humanity originated from one couple
Respected leaders of clans and lineages, the origin of this universe is not simply material or based on spontaneous generation. There is God, the Creator, who is the primary cause of the universe. God is absolute, eternal, and unchanging goodness.
All beings and phenomena in the universe are created according to God’s basic design, the purpose of creation. The purpose of creation is to feel joy. However, one cannot feel joy alone. In order for a certain subject to feel joy, it needs an object partner. The best kind of joy is felt when a subject partner and an object partner give and receive love.
Human beings are God’s sons and daughters, whom God created in order to feel joy eternally through loving them infinitely. They are the closest object partners to God. God created a son and a daughter as the first ancestors of humankind. In the Bible they are called Adam and Eve.
This first son and daughter were God’s object partners of true love. God, who is absolute, cannot make another original strand of true love besides them. Human beings, the object partners of God’s true love, originated from this one ancestral couple, no matter who they are called.
What kind of world would have been realized if our ancestors, Adam and Eve, had completed their growth in God’s love, gave and received true love with each other, and multiplied good descendants? They were supposed to build an ideal family to attend God as their vertical Parent, and then become horizontal parents. If, originating from that true family, a prosperous clan, Adam’s clan, had been formed and developed into a people, nation, and finally a world population, that world would have been happily filled with God’s love and goodness.
Such a world is none other than the kingdom of heaven. Through this kingdom God’s purpose of creation would have definitely been realized on earth. All humanity would have lived in the earthly kingdom of heaven and then later would have gone to the kingdom of heaven in heaven. In this way, God’s purpose of creation was to realize a great family centering on God, making all of humanity one family.
The good family laws of Adam centering on God would have immediately become a tradition handed down from generation to generation. It would have been a unified world with only one language, coming from one root, one culture and one heavenly sovereignty. Can we imagine evil, injustice, ideological conflict or wars in such a world?
What is the reality of today? We ended up with a world that is the opposite of God’s ideal. In the individual, mind and body are in conflict with each other. Such individuals form families, lineages, clans, societies, and nations where that contradiction, disunity and struggle continues. This, world perpetuates the misery stemming from immorality, decadence, inequality, violence, wars and massacres, and the confusion of values. Yet the conflicts between cultures and traditions that result in ideological confrontations ultimately stem from the mind-body conflict within each individual.
I don’t have enough time for a detailed explanation. However, in order to restore this world to its original state, Heaven sent saints to light the heavenly way and educate humankind through various religions. It is not easy to practice goodness in an evil world. That is why so many righteous people have been sacrificed and why the true way has been that of self-sacrifice and unconditional offering.
The true origin of the movement to find ancestral roots
If through the movement to find our roots we seek to find our real root, we will reach our ancestors’ progenitors, even the ancestors of humankind. To find the root of goodness, we must overcome a million different kinds of evil and injustice. To find the true root, we must know God and the heart with which He created the human ancestors.
Seen externally, a tree is constantly changing its appearance and color. Yet, if we eliminate each of the changing elements one by one, what remains are the seed and its life. These are the fundamental roots. In the same way, a true root-finding movement has to digest and resolve all elements of evil by following the path of restoration; then it will return humankind to its origin. We must become purified sons and daughters of God by being engrafted to God’s life and God’s true love.
It is not accidental that Korea is proud of its wonderful, time-honored genealogical records and has become a center for genealogical research. To modernize, become rich, and live well externally cannot be the only goal for Koreans today. God is counting on the Korean people and the land of Korea to realize a new heaven and earth of true love and to make a foundation for the happiness of all humankind.
I have brought to this people a miraculous blessing. The revelations from God that I have received, shed light for the first time throughout human history on God’s heart and the purpose of creation. They constitute a religious ideology of true love, by which I am guiding the Unification movement. It is a world-saving movement beyond East and West, cultural spheres, nations and peoples.
Giving rise to spiritual and moral revolutions, it is spreading like a prairie fire in 137 countries. I am not just preaching a theory of true love. I am talking to you on the foundation of practicing true love globally through the way of suffering and risking my physical life because of global misunderstanding, extreme persecution and religious prejudice. I could build this foundation because I was motivated by God’s true love and life force.
This should become a movement to practice true love
Respected representatives of clans and lineages, this movement to find roots needs to become a true love movement based on God. In our lives we have to inherit the teachings of the saints, particularly Jesus, who is the embodiment of true love. All of us have to become heroes who relate to each other through God, our root. We have to extend our love relationships to overcome the conflicts of this age, demolish barriers of age-old conflicts, and realize a harmonious world. Especially, I understand that unification of North and South Korea has to be accomplished on the foundation of our homogeneity as one people, through activating a movement to find the roots of true love.
Now is the time when everyone should humbly return to the root and through love become one with each other. We cannot sacrifice the whole to benefit the individual. The global situation is such that we cannot hesitate any longer. We must substantiate the blessing that God gave to our people by practicing love. Let us all generate a movement to realize the ideal of the harmony of humankind through the true Root, the lighthouse of true love, and connect all peoples to it.
May God’s blessings be with you and your families!
Thank you.
Congratulatory Remarks at the  Inaugural
Celebration of the Universal Ballet Academy
September 6,1990
Universal Ballet Academy Studios, Washington, DC, USA
Opening Ceremony for the Universal Ballet Academy
Honorable guests, ladies and gentlemen:
It is a distinct pleasure for Mrs. Moon and I to attend this inaugural celebration opening the Universal Ballet Academy. This project is very dear to my heart, and I have been looking forward to coming here to celebrate this occasion together with you.
I must tell you in all confidence that among the many art forms, I have a special fondness for classical ballet. In my own family, one of my daughters-in-law is a professional ballerina.
The reason I love ballet is very simple, yet profound. It is truly a heavenly art form. I always feel that ballet dancers and ballerinas stretch themselves to the ultimate degree to reach God in heaven. They are up on their toes, their hands are reaching high to the sky, and they lift one another up or leap high into the air. Ballet uses the entire body as an instrument to express the human aspiration toward God. In that sense, it is the ultimate expression of artistic beauty.
In 1989, I had the great fortune of meeting one of the greatest artists of our time, Mr. Oleg Vinogradov, Artistic Director of the Kirov Ballet. I shared with him my vision for ballet, and I was most gratified to discover that this great artist also had a vision of how he could contribute his God- given talent to the Soviet Union, and to the entire world community as well.
It is this meeting of minds that has brought about the idea of the Universal Ballet Academy here in the capital of the United States. That dream has now come true. I am most gratified to have Mr. Vinogradov here, and I am delighted to know that President George Bush has also expressed his congratulations to Mr. Vinogradov upon the occasion of his coming to America for this mission.
Ladies and gentlemen, at this time I would like to share with you a few thoughts about the nature of the arts.
Fundamentally, I would say that God, the Creator and Parent of humankind, is the first artist Many great artists have testified that God’s creation is the highest artistic expression of truth, beauty and goodness.
Men and women, as the fullest artistic expression of the Creator, have a unique capability to comprehend and appreciate God’s creation. In addition, we have a deep desire to participate with God as artists, to further express the inner nature of truth, beauty and goodness that we share with Him.
Ultimately, the greatest work, which we co-create with God, is the harmonization of life and love. Our life reaches the greatest fulfillment when we experience true love and life as God’s harmonious partners. This is the source of the values of truth, beauty and goodness.
The creative process is a very deep and personal experience. True love and true art must spring forth from the desire to glorify what is true, beautiful and good, which originate in God. We must use our artistic talents to promote true love and lasting peace on earth. In this way, we shall stand as noble people who do their best to contribute to the ideal of love, to heal the heart of God and humanity, and to give birth to a new world of art.
Nevertheless, the latter part of the twentieth century can be characterized as a time of confusion. Confusion exists in both East and West, in every field of endeavor, and in every level of human life. At its base, this confusion is a confusion of values, confusion regarding what is right and what is wrong, what needs to be cherished and what ought to be abandoned.
This confusion has permeated the artistic community as well. In many cases, modern day art and artists have forgotten the original purpose and value of serving others and glorifying God. For some artists, art is simply the exercise and fulfillment of their own passions. Hedonism, promiscuity, and the refusal or inability to distinguish between good and evil frequently characterize the modern day arts.
I am deeply saddened to see this deterioration of the inner world of art, and I founded a number of arts organizations to revitalize the artistic pursuit of truth, beauty, and goodness rooted in God. It is for precisely this reason that I established the Universal Ballet Academy.
For me it is very gratifying that we have been joined in this effort by a group of leading Russian artists. Together we can accomplish this important common goal.
For this reason, I want once again to express congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Oleg Vinogradov and all the other Russian artists who came here to undertake this noble endeavor. I would like to take the opportunity to express my gratitude to the Ambassador of the Soviet Union for the support of his government in making this endeavor possible. I also want to express thanks and appreciation to the United States government authorities who wholeheartedly supported this undertaking.
I welcome the distinguished members of the Advisory Council of the Academy. Your wise counsel will be an essential ingredient in guiding this institution to become an academy of the highest professional caliber.
Finally, I would like to say that art is an important component of world peace. The Universal Ballet Academy is not simply a ballet school. It will be a melting pot of talented students from different races, creeds, nationalities and cultural backgrounds. It will express the ideal of one global human family.
Furthermore, this institution will enhance and further develop ongoing mutual friendly relations between the United States and the Soviet Union.
May God bless you. Thank you very much.
Becoming Leaders in Building a
World of Peace
August 24, 1992
Little Angels Performing Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
First World Culture and Sports Festival Congratulatory Banquet
Distinguished chairpersons of the first World Culture and Sports Festival, guests and participants from Korea and around the world:
As founder of the World Culture and Sports Festival, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for gathering here in such large numbers to pray for the success of this festival. I would like to speak to you this evening on the topic, “Becoming Leaders in Building a World of Peace.”
The history of conflict originated from the Fall of Adam and Eve During the mid-1930s, when I was sixteen years old, I received a special mission from Heaven through Jesus. I am seventy-two years old now, and in the intervening years there has not been one single second when I did not think of God’s Will and His commands.
I lived my boyhood and youth under the colonial rule of imperial Japan. I know only too well the painful and tragic circumstances suffered by the weaker and smaller nations of the world. Being sensitive to God’s heart, I felt unspeakable pain and sorrow as I witnessed, first, the cruelty of a more powerful nation as it plundered the weaker nation of Korea and, later, the terrible carnage of the Second World War.
Immediately following World War II, in a development that compounded our already difficult situation, the Korean peninsula was divided between north and south. In 1950, the Korean War broke out and Koreans found themselves in a fraternal conflict. Various countries of the world on the left and right chose to support one side or the other. I witnessed this tragic history directly, and I know in my heart of hearts how the lack of peace in the world has brought much pain and sorrow to God and humanity.
How do you imagine God has felt since the time of creation? God had to watch while time and time again brothers set themselves against each other, beginning with Cain, the older brother, taking the life of Abel, the younger. All the wars in human history have been, in their essence, struggles among brothers. The Bible teaches us this through its record of the murder of Abel by Cain in the family of Adam. Why do such conflicts among brothers occur again and again on the levels of family, tribe, society, nation and world?
The reason lies in the sin committed by Adam and Eve, the parents of Cain and Abel. Adam and Eve were the original ancestors of humankind, placed in a position to represent all the men and women who would come after them. They were to have brought God’s ideal of creation into reality. By breaking God’s commandment, however, they forfeited their position as the True Parents of goodness for all of humanity who would be born after them. Instead, they became fallen parents of evil. It is this evil that is the original sin and the fundamental root of all crime and unhappiness in human society.
The original sin of the first ancestors was that Adam and Eve broke God’s commandment and engaged in an illicit sexual relationship. In this way, they formed a blood relationship with the devil, and became fallen false parents, passing on false love, false life and a false lineage to the entire human race. There is only one way for humanity to escape this world of evil and struggle, and that is to be reunited with their True Parents and be reborn through them. It has been revealed to me that accomplishing this is the true way to cast off original sin.
The World Culture and Sports Festival is dedicated to God After I received my calling at the age of sixteen, I spent years searching for the answer to precisely the problem of how to bring salvation to humankind. The result of that lonely search for truth is the new expression of God’s truth that you refer to today as the Unification Principle, Godism or head-wing thought. On August 15, 1945, the day Korea was liberated from imperial Japan, I began proclaiming this truth on the earth. For proclaiming these teachings, I faced tremendous persecution and attack. Think for a moment about the fact that in my life I was imprisoned six times. This alone is enough to tell you how harsh the attacks against me have been.
The first World Culture and Sports Festival, which is being held during the 47th year since I began proclaiming the Unification Principle, is a holy celebration. It is an occasion to let the entire world see, and to offer to God, the harvest reaped from the seeds I have sown and nurtured for the liberation of God and humanity and for the realization of world peace. Everything I have strived to achieve during my life has been for the purpose of confirming the fact that ail people in the world are brothers and sisters before God, our common Parent. When we center on God, our common ties as members of the global family transcend our differences based on race, nationality and international boundaries.
Activities for world peace
The primary institution in which my teachings are being practiced is the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, that is, the Unification Church. The Unification Church exists in every country in the world. The Unification Church has put down roots in all races, nationalities and countries. The International Marriage of thirty thousand couples that will be held tomorrow in Seoul’s Olympic Main Stadium is certain to be a testimony to the fact that humanity is one great family centered on God.
With the Unification Church as the root organization, I have founded many other organizations for projects in a wide variety of fields. These organizations are for the purpose of building a world of peace in which we, the human family centered on God, can rejoice in our freedom, ideals and happiness. For the World Culture and Sports Festival, I have gathered the most prominent of these organizations here in Seoul. During the festival, a new unified structure will be founded to facilitate stronger mutual ties and closer cooperation among these organizations.
The International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, the Professors World Peace Academy, the World Media Conference, the Summit Council for World Peace, the Assembly of the World’s Religions, the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, the Women’s Federation for World Peace, international performing arts groups, and the World Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles will meet during this time of the international marriage Blessing. They will provide forums to enlighten us and reaffirm our devotion to the cause of world peace.
The International Marriage Blessing of the Unification Church, which I will be conferring during this time, is the blessing of resurrection. Through this ceremony, human beings are able to cut clear from original sin and recover the true love, true life and true lineage of God. It is within the context of this ceremony that we can give birth to peace, by realizing the ideal of the great family of humanity that transcends race, nationality and international boundaries.
As the founder of these organizations and groups, I wish to reaffirm here this evening that their purpose is to bring about world peace, according to the ideal of God and humanity. They are not created for the benefit of any particular group or political faction. They do not serve the narrow interests of any particular nation or state. Rather, they exist to bring happiness, peace and freedom to God, the Creator of the universe, and to all humanity.
Our movement, therefore, brings salvation to all families, all nations, all continents and, finally, to the entire world. It is a movement to save the family, save the nation and save the world.
The true love movement and role of women
Our families are being destroyed by the illicit relationships and decadent lifestyles that have accompanied the disappearance of sexual morality. Every nation is suffering the agony of the destruction of its moral standards and the accompanying increase in crime. There is no solution in sight to the conflicts between political factions. Poverty and ignorance continue to plague us. There is no sign that we may be nearing solutions to the world’s international border disputes, to the prejudice between religious groups, or to the conflicts between the various races and ethnic groups. World peace is under constant threat from the selfish actions of the world’s countries and peoples.
Environmental pollution also is destroying our planet, and we are approaching a serious crisis for the future of humankind. We may all find ourselves on a common path of destruction, unless we are able to resolve the crisis we face through a love that transcends all national boundaries and ethnic differences and encompasses all the world’s peoples. Let me emphasize again: Any successful resolution of this crisis will be based on an effort to build a unified world through a movement of true love such as that rooted in the Unification Principle, or Godism.
In early July this year, I spoke in five cities around Korea at rallies held by the Women’s Federation for World Peace. There, I declared that my wife, WFWP President Hak Ja Han Moon, and I are the True Parents of all humankind who are together the Savior, the Lord of the Second Advent, and the Messiah.
Why would I stand before women leaders of Korea and make such an astonishing and fearful announcement? The reason is that God has been carrying out the providence to send the returning Messiah, the second perfected Adam. He subjugates Satan in order to establish a perfected Eve who will represent all women. God has to do this, because it was when Satan caused Eve to fall that the origin of human history came to be permeated with sin.
Women are the central point of the love, peace and spirit of service that protects our families, and it is the healthy family that is the starting point in our work to build world peace. The establishment of God-centered family ethics and the education of our children lie at the innermost core of my teachings. The family is the holy sanctuary that cleanses this defiled world.
That is the reason it was necessary that I, as the Messiah, make my declaration to women leaders gathered around President Hak Ja Han Moon, my wife, who stands in the position of perfected Eve. This declaration is an exhortation and notice to all who follow my teachings to join Mrs. Moon and I in our attendance to God on the path of sacrifice and service for the salvation of the world.
A proposal to establish the House of Unification for World Peace
This evening, I would like to propose that we establish “The House of Unification for World Peace.” I see it as an organization dedicated to the peaceful unity of the world that will enable us to carry out all of our activities for world salvation more effectively.
To avoid any possible misunderstanding, particularly regarding the title of this organization as given in the Korean language, let me state clearly that I am not proposing to create a political party. The House of Unification for World Peace that I propose is not a political party. It will not have the function of political parties to seek executive or legislative governing power in a given country. It is, rather, a “house,” a structure to reinforce the concerted actions of the worlds countries, foster a unified foundation and support a common effort for world peace.
If we say that heaven symbolizes man, then earth symbolizes woman. A house is the stage where a woman conducts her life. It is filled with love for all the members of the family, centered on the mother. The family, with the mother at its center, is the basic unit of the nation and the world. I use the word “house” in the title of the organization I am proposing, because this word contains the meaning of “exalting the earth, centering on the mother.” It also signifies “to teach.” The word “house” in this tide, therefore, signifies a center for the education of women.
Through this organization, we can provide new impetus to our work, giving opportunities to people of all countries and all walks of life for meaningful exchanges and education on a God-centered vision for world peace. Political leaders, scholars, religious leaders, journalists and educators, as well as leaders of women and youth, all are needed to make this work successful. This vision of world peace is centered on those families whose mothers accomplish mind-body unity through love. They are representatives of all women of the world.
Let us become central figures for peace in the 21 st century If you will embrace my proposal and join me in this task, then within the remaining eight years of the twentieth century our efforts are certain to bring the world of peace, the object of God’s desire, to all of humanity. We who are gathered here this evening will be the leaders in opening the gates to a peaceful world for the coming twenty-first century.
I pray you may have a pleasant visit during the time of the festival and that God will bestow boundless blessings and protection upon your work.
Thank you.
Building a World of
Heart-Centered Culture
May 1,1994
Olympic Park Gymnastics Hall, Seoul, Korea
Address at the Fortieth Anniversary of the Founding of the
Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
On this day, the fortieth anniversary of the founding of our church, I stand at this podium with profound emotion. In 1954, with former President Hyo- Won Eu and several close disciples, we hung the name board of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity on a tiny house in Pukhak-Dong in Seoul. That official beginning seems like yesterday, yet forty years have already passed.
Reflecting on the forty years since the founding of the Association
The founding of our church was not for the attainment of some personal goal of mine. It was done solely to fulfill God’s Will on earth. As I look back, I recall the tremendous persecution I encountered as I walked many different thorny paths. Not even my parents, my brothers and sisters, or my relatives could understand them. I have vivid memories of false accusations from various groups and nations. The most painful aspect was the opposition from members of the established churches whom God had prepared. Even today some of them raise totally unfounded criticisms. Truly I have surmounted many hurdles. During all these difficulties I am so grateful for God’s protection and guidance, out of His deep love.
What is the duty of saints who are responsible for God’s providence of salvation? What is God’s purpose in raising saints? The saints for whom God is searching are not those who will be honored in history after they die. God is looking for saints who can save this evil world, and who can, in this age, transform it into the world of goodness for which God is longing.
God is looking for saints who will plunge headlong into the sorrowful world of sin in order to wipe clean the slate of the world’s sinful history. He is looking for saints who take it upon themselves to solve the problems God is most concerned about, saints who will fulfill the providential Will by firmly standing up against the evils of this world. Therefore, the path of such saints cannot be smooth, and it is inevitable that persecution and misunderstanding follow them.
I pledged to God that I would accomplish His Will for Him during my lifetime, and whether awake or asleep I focused on that thought alone. I renewed this pledge countless times, and continually disciplined myself to keep going, even while in the bowels of prison and under severe torture that put me on the verge of death.
God’s motive for creating humankind was true love
God’s Will does not belong only to those who believe. The Will of God governs all people and all of creation. It is not something vague. The Will of God is the purpose of creation, that is, the ideal of creation that was in God’s heart from the beginning of time. All things of the universe and humankind were created according to that purpose of creation.
Why would the eternal absolute God need to create? What does God absolutely need? Would it be material things, knowledge or power? If God wanted any of those things He could create them at any time. God can conduct Himself freely. However, the only thing that even God cannot control according to His Will is true love. True love can be found only through a mutual relationship with a partner. One cannot feel love by oneself.
This is the reason God needed the material world as a counterpart. God created the world for the ideal of true love. We can look at the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom or the animal kingdom, although they are at different levels, and see that they were all created in pairs of subject and object partners in order to be able to engage in give-and-take action, harmonize and complement each other.
Furthermore, human beings, as representatives of and the center of the world of creation, were created as the closest object partners for God’s true love. For this reason, God needs human beings to realize His purpose of true love. From this perspective, we can understand how precious is the value of human beings as the object partners for God’s true love.
God established true love as His ideal of creation, the highest and most absolute value. Even the absolute God desires to submit absolutely in front of true love. Likewise Humankind and the rest of creation, which were created through such a principle, become absolutely obedient before true love. All of life’s energies are interconnected and directed toward the higher level of true love. The order of the universe and the value of each created being are decided based on this principle.
The relationship between God, who has a heart of true love, and humankind is a vertical relationship of parent and child. Adam and Eve, who were created as God’s son and daughter, were the first to receive God’s parental love and experience the heart of children as they grew up. During their growth, they could also feel the heart of brother and sister for each other. Next, after being blessed in marriage by God, they were to become a couple, and by loving each other they were to experience the heart of a husband and wife. Finally, after having children and loving them as true parents, they were to feel the heart of parents and also experience the parental heart through which God loved them as children. These different experiences of the heart: the heart of children, the heart of brother and sister, the heart of husband and wife, and the heart of parents, are called the “four great realms of heart.”
The perfection of humankind requires a complete understanding of these four great realms of heart under the true love of God. The foundation for this is the ideal family. A family that embodies the four great realms of heart is the smallest unit of humankind that fulfills God’s ideal of creation.
God, who is the origin and Lord of true love, is in the position of a father who intends to bequeath unchanging true love to all people as His children. Through true love, complete harmony and unity can be achieved. Furthermore, for those who receive this true love, the right to live together and the right to act together naturally ensue. Therefore, as God’s children, we can all move and work together with God. People who are intoxicated by God’s true love would have joy and the ideal, and they would naturally give true love to those around them and to their descendants. That would have been the fulfillment of the original ideal of the creation.
True love takes the shortest and most direct route
Unfortunately, the first human ancestors fell because of the false love of an archangel. Consequently, they could not become a couple of true love. They had children without God’s Blessing and became false parents and false ancestors. As a result, our ancestors could not be born from true ancestors or true parents; they were born of a lineage God did not want.
When we look at the natural world, even though all things are at lower levels, they are all in harmony in the order of love. Only in the world of people is this order not maintained. The result has been evil, conflict and suffering. However, God cannot abandon this world even though it is the opposite of His Will. So He has been working to restore this evil, fallen world to the ideal world of creation. That is the providence of salvation.
The providence of salvation is the providence to restore the purpose of creation. It is the providence of re-creation. Following the Will of Heaven, religions have played the major role in the providence of restoration. Religions were established for the purpose of restoring the original ideal family and the ideal world, based on God’s true love and the ideology we call “True Parentism.”
The Messiah is the one who comes as the True Parent, with the crucial responsibility to get rid of everything that sprouted from the false root originating from the false parents, and to restore the original ideal world of creation. To restore this world through true love and true family, someone first needs to establish the internal position of True Parents. God called me for the sake of accomplishing this mission. Because of the Fall, the original ideal was not realized. To accomplish the providence of recovering what was lost, God established religions and then sent the Messiah.
God’s unchanging purpose is to realize the ideal world of true love. The purpose of religion is fulfilled with the appearance of true love and the ideal family. Conversely, if a religion exists for a different purpose, or only for itself, then although that religion may talk about God, it does not have anything to do with Him. God and the world do not exist for the sake of religions. Religions were established for the sake of accomplishing God’s Will to restore true love and the world of true families. My forty years of efforts in developing interfaith, academic, educational, ideological, cultural, artistic, media-related, scientific, technological, and business projects worldwide have all been directed toward this purpose.
I have devoted and invested my life to accomplish all this. I have lived with the heart of the Heavenly Parent and loved the different peoples of the world more than my siblings and more than my parents who gave birth to me. I surmounted imprisonment and miserable persecution, and transcended the fear of death. The way of true love is the shortest way. In the realization of true love, there can be no conditions or excuses, and nothing can stand in its way.
The only direct way is to sacrifice oneself and give to others. I am grateful to the many people who are showing their appreciation for my worldwide achievements. However, more important than the external results are the motives and processes by which they are achieved.
None of this work has been accomplished under pleasant conditions or in a favorable environment. All these achievements were built on the foundation stones that I laid with the single-minded conviction to accomplish the Will of God on earth, for which I mobilized all my enthusiasm and sincerity, and invested everything. Throughout my struggles, I continuously invested for the growth and protection of this righteous work by standing firm against all the winds of evil.
Establishing the true heart-centered culture and the Blessing
Ladies and gentlemen, God wants a religion that stands in the parent position to govern this age. God wants a religion whose followers live with the heart of parents. I myself have been teaching “True Parentism,” which means to educate each person to become a true parent who embodies this tradition. I guide people to first become true parents in the family and then to become true parents of their tribe by fulfilling their mission as tribal messiahs. We have to become a religion that embodies and practices the heart of true parents in order to realize God’s Will in this world of conflict, hatred and evil. Those religions that despise other religions and denominations and have contempt for them are a hindrance to the accomplishment of world peace and God’s providence.
A peaceful world of harmony is destined to emerge. However, what is the reality of the world around us? Even though we say that the Cold War is over, there are so many tensions and conflicts that need to be resolved. Our task is to establish the age of the harmonious one-world family by fundamentally solving the conflicts between races and the struggles between religions. This task can be accomplished only with True Parentism.
We who stand on the foundation of forty years of pioneering by the Unification Church, and who have welcomed the True Parents and the Completed Testament Age, need to build a new world based on a true heart- centered culture. Each person becomes a substantiation of that ideal when he or she becomes one with God in a true parent-child relationship. That is what creates happiness, in the harmony of love.
Although this realm of heart, built with true love, is small, it is connected to the universe. The vibrations of everything happening within it are transmitted to all of the creation and the spirit world. This is because the entire cosmos, including the spirit world, exists under the same principle of the true love of God.
The vertical true love relationship between God and human beings is the source of ideal true love in human relationships. The perfection of that love is attained in the ideal family that manifests the four great realms of heart. A true heart-centered culture blooms in the realm of an ideal family, in which the heart of peace, happiness, freedom and ideals can be felt and experienced in life. In such a world, religion would not be needed. We would not require the special consciousness of faith, because our whole life would be one of attending God and living together with Him with one heart in the realm of true love. That would be the reality of living in the kingdom of heaven with God’s blessings to “be fruitful, multiply, and have dominion over all things.”
This is the fulfillment of God’s ideal and His purpose of creation. In order to establish a world of true heart-centered culture, we need to develop our personality through education in true love and True Parentism, and we need to expand the movement that creates families of true love that have received God’s Blessing. Under that Blessing, we can become ideal couples and families by continuously training ourselves through a life of faith in which we practice true love by living and investing for the sake of others.
The only way the world and all humanity can expect to have a bright future is by surmounting the habits of extreme self-centeredness, individualism and materialism. This is the only way we can protect people from immorality, the corruption of youth and the breakdown of families.
Only though the family-centered movement of true love, established through international holy weddings, can we solve the conflicts between peoples and races. These weddings achieve the miracle of establishing ideal families of true love according to the Will of Heaven, overcoming the barriers of religion and race. Next year, many more religions will participate in the international holy wedding of 360 thousand couples.
Also, I am educating people about the concept of a “mother of true love” through the activities of the Women’s Federation for World Peace. When all women raise and educate their children with the heart of a true mother, ideal families will be formed. Now the time has come for the women who understand God’s Will to educate fallen men. This movement will spread to all parts of the world.
Projects to support the development of a heart-centered culture Religion carries great responsibility for the process of establishing a true heart-centered culture throughout the world. World peace cannot be realized without harmony and cooperation among religions. I have been investing all my energy to accomplish this goal. In the future, too, I will take the lead in breaking down the barriers between religious people and organize a concerted effort to realize God’s Will on earth. I will endeavor to help religions see the good in each other by actively supporting the Interreligious Federation for World Peace, distributing copies of the book World Scripture, and educating people. In the future, religious people will realize God’s Will through practice, cooperating and setting an example.
Many different organizations that I have established will become increasingly active. They include a variety of organizations that have been laying the foundation to solve the substantial and real problems of the world.
The Federation for World Peace, composed of former and current heads of state, will continue its endeavors to mediate in the conflicts of this world and the tensions among nations, as well as to maintain peace. The International Federation for Victory over Communism and the Citizens Federation for the Unification of the Fatherland, equipped with Godism and head-wing thought, will continue to actively refute the philosophies and ideologies that promote hostility among the nations of the world. We can foresee that, with the advances in science and technology, especially the ongoing revolution in communications technology, humankind in the future will transcend and reformulate these ideologies.
To mention another issue, people’s boundless pursuit of self-centered desires has given rise to environmental problems such as pollution of the atmosphere. Our ability to correct these conditions will have a direct bearing on the future of all humanity.
What future is there for humankind if we fail to educate the leaders of the next generation to resist self-centered thinking and carnal desires?
To solve the problems, we have to establish absolute values, based on True Parentism and the practice of true love. When humanity is safely settled on the foundation of families that are based on unchanging love, vertically and horizontally connected in the four great realms of heart, the modern conveniences of civilization will lead to authentic happiness.
This is the value of the dedicated educational and practical efforts of conscientious academics as expressed in the activities of the Professors World Peace Academy and the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, affiliates of the International Cultural Foundation. I also plan to publish an encyclopedia in an effort to educate the new generation. My work maintaining various educational organizations and supporting academic activities have the same goal. Beginning with Sun Moon University in Korea and the University of Bridgeport in the United States, I have plans to establish a world university federation. It will be an educational foundation for the coming world of true, heart-centered culture.
Greeting the information age by supporting the mass media industry, newspapers and broadcasting worldwide, we are, through a well-directed media work, offering social education on a vast scale.
No one knows the heartbreak of God over the situation of starvation in the world. I have been developing industrial technology and transferring it to the developing nations. In this manner, I have continuously worked toward the equal distribution of technology in all countries. Just this year I founded the World Peace Institute of Technology so that it can contribute, along with other existing institutes, to redress the worldwide imbalance of technology.
For the past twenty years I have invested in marine business ventures for the purpose of safeguarding the food supply through the efficient use of marine resources. We have made substantial achievements through the activities of the International Relief Friendship Foundation, and by providing education in agriculture and light industry in Africa and other regions. We also established two foundations for social welfare in Korea this year.
Let us become inheritors of the Will
Honored guests, ladies and gentlemen, and beloved Unification members, before ending my speech this morning, I would like to once more offer my gratitude to God. Throughout my life my motivation has been purely to live for the sake of God’s Will. God has watched over and guided me at all times, yet the difficulties and suffering He endures are thousands of times greater than my own. I offer all glory to God, for how could the achievements of the past forty years be only my own?
I am deeply grateful to the church members who have worked so hard, and to the many who have lent their support. The will of God that I began to fulfill is actually His original Will for all humankind. I therefore ask all of you to become my representatives and representatives of the True Parents. Please become the inheritors of God’s Will and multiply the fruits of righteousness and goodness. Let us invest our efforts to quickly realize the original world, the true heart-centered culture that God yearns to see on earth.
Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to all honored guests from Korea and overseas for blessing us with your presence on this occasion.
May your families and your work continue to be blessed by the presence of God.
Thank you.
Become a Standard-Bearer for Justice
August 27,1995
Hyochang Stadium, Seoul, Korea
Second World Culture and Sports Festival Hanmadang Games
Second World Culture and Sports Festival Hanmadang Games
Distinguished guests from home and abroad, young people and students from all parts of the world who have come to Korea, the homeland of the heart, to attend this competition:
Welcome to all of you. I praise your young and pure ardor. This competition is part of the World Culture and Sports Festival, and it is a sports event that is different in character from other sporting events. The World Culture and Sports Festival originates from the heart to showcase human beings as we were originally meant to be: the youth of the world coming together to compete with one another in strength, and the elders coming together to pool their wisdom in harmony.
The ideal world of the original creation is realized by perfecting the four great realms of heart: the heart of true children, true siblings, true couples and true parents. Originally, all these realms would have developed by centering on God’s true love, true life and true lineage. However, because human beings lost faith in the Will of God and formed an illicit lineal relationship with the archangel, they inherited the seed of evil. Through this illicit love relationship, humanity came to have the roots of evil life and evil lineage from the first parents and their children.
The Fall, and all that came from it, occurred when Adam and Eve were in their teens. Adolescence is the most important period in a person’s life. Just as our first ancestors did, the youth of today are plunging into the pit of the Fall due to their confusion about values. Many young people embrace free sex and individualism and deny morality, ethics and family values. Given these conditions, this time could be considered an age of gratitude to God. Throughout my life my motivation has been purely to live for the sake of God’s Will. God has watched over and guided me at all times, yet the difficulties and suffering He endures are thousands of times greater than my own. I offer all glory to God, for how could the achievements of the past forty years be only my own?
I am deeply grateful to the church members who have worked so hard, and to the many who have lent their support. The will of God that I began to fulfill is actually His original Will for all humankind. I therefore ask all of you to become my representatives and representatives of the True Parents. Please become the inheritors of God’s Will and multiply the fruits of righteousness and goodness. Let us invest our efforts to quickly realize the original world, the true heart-centered culture that God yearns to see on earth.
Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to all honored guests from Korea and overseas for blessing us with your presence on this occasion.
May your families and your work continue to be blessed by the presence of God.
Thank you.

The Youth Culture Must Become a
Pure Love Movement
November 30,1997
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC, USA
Third World Culture and Sports Festival Hanmadang Games
Most esteemed Mayor Marion Barry and Mrs. Barry, distinguished guests from home and abroad, members of the World Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles participating in the Sports Festival, ladies and gentlemen:
I am greatly pleased this morning to meet such vibrant and spirited young people from various nations around the world here at the Convention Center, situated in the heart of this global city, Washington, DC. In particular, I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to Mayor Barry and the citizens of Washington, DC, for playing host to this year’s World Culture and Sports Festival and for providing every convenience during this event.
The World Culture and Sports Festival is a festival of true love Since the entire world is paying close attention to you young people who are gathered here today, I hope you will take this event as an opportunity to determine yourselves to take responsibility for the world.
Upon completion of the 1988 Seoul Olympics, I officially announced the vision for the World Culture and Sports Festival in my fatherland of Korea. In many respects, the Seoul Olympics held at that time was a turning point in modern history. This was because the 1980 Moscow Olympics and the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics were partially boycotted due to the Cold War, so the Seoul Olympics was the first reunion of all nations in the world, who came together once again as one great family.
As I witnessed the youths of the communist realm in the East and the democratic world in the West competing together and competing harmoniously in Seoul, I foresaw that the barriers separating the democratic world and the communist world would soon dissolve. And I came to believe that all future competitions need to take a step beyond the Olympic Games, which deal only with athletic excellence, and focus on the shaping of well- rounded people who can strive together to enhance their cultural life, morality and spirit. Furthermore, I emphasized that the nucleus of such a multi-dimensional competition must be the marriage Blessing ceremony, which creates true families that can realize true love at the center of the mind and body.
Therefore, the World Culture and Sports Festival is a festival of true love. There are events where people unite their minds in harmony in a cultural festival of the intellect, bringing together from around the world the greatest leaders from all fields, including academia, politics, religion, the media and art, to dialogue with one another. It is also a sports festival where athletes from around the world compete in a display of their physical talents for the sake of promoting global solidarity.
In a word, the World Culture and Sports Festival is the very place where we seek the harmonious development of the human mind and body. It is where we pool the wisdom of the leaders of all fields from around the world to design a world of peace, and where we look for ways to create the new culture of the twenty-first century, with true love as our main axis.
A movement for pure love based on the principles of absolute sex
The first and second World Culture and Sports Festivals were held in Korea in 1992 and 1995. Today we are engaged in the final event of the third World Culture and Sports Festival, being held in Washington, DC, the capital city of the world.
On this day, what I would like to ask of you, the young people who are destined to shoulder the future of humanity, is to participate in the pure love movement that emphasizes absolute sex. During the period of this competition, you paraded through the heart of Washington, DC, calling out for absolute, pure love. This parade was indeed one of the most unique and worthwhile scenes I’ve witnessed in our time.
In today’s world, things have degenerated to the point where even discussing the value or importance of the term “pure love” is deemed outmoded. Yet it is the absence of pure love that is the fundamental cause for the breakdown of families that is darkening the future of humanity.
The reason people throughout history emphasized pure love and treasured it is because pure love directly connects to the dignity of life. The heart that respects pure love is the heart that values life. It is the heart that esteems one’s own tribe and all humanity. Furthermore, the heart that respects pure love is closest to the heart, that can meet with God.
Although the United States is a powerful nation, in reality you cannot deny that it is not at all powerful when it comes to this issue of pure love. Moreover, if Washington, DC, wishes to maintain its reputation as the capital city of the world, above all else it needs to become the leading city in this matter of pure love. The day Washington, DC, becomes the holy city of pure and true love will be the day when the entire world will respect and love the United States.
Establishing a youth movement for pure love
Innumerable heroes and sages in human history, including our first ancestors Adam and Eve, were unable to overcome one critical issue, this very issue of pure love. Todays problem is that no one can take responsibility for this matter of pure love—not the family, schools, churches, or even the government.
I have been teaching that belief in absolute sex is the best method of keeping one’s purity. This means that once you have formed a bond of love with your spouse, it is eternal, and it is an absolute love relationship that can never change no matter the circumstances. This is because a husband and wife come together centering on God’s love, which is eternal and absolute. This is not something that is emphasized only to men, and neither is it applicable only to women. It is the heavenly way that is the same for both men and women; both need to uphold it absolutely.
On the other hand, free sex is an evil trend, which we need to completely remove from this planet. The behaviors that derive from the free sex culture include such things as drug abuse, violence and promiscuous homosexuality. By fostering these, free sex, along with the tragic problem of AIDS, is driving humanity to destruction.
As can be seen, the purpose of the World Culture and Sports Festival is to inculcate maturity on the part of individuals, who can go on to form and strengthen true families that are the basis of true love. The meaning of pure love, then, is all the more special and important to you who have been taking part in this festival. This pure love movement you are carrying forward, once established throughout the world, will be the most important pillar of the true family movement.
That is why we need to establish the pure love movement as a new youth culture in various parts of the world. Over the past year, 3.6 million couples and then 36 million couples made the resolution to uphold pure love and absolute sex at the marriage Blessing ceremony held in this festival. With this joyful festival of dancing, singing and sports behind you, you can now propagate the message of pure love and true love on college campuses and in every corner of the world.
The true family movement is a peace movement There is a Korean proverb to the effect, “The voice of the people is the voice of God.” 36 million couples have set out with the resolution to form true families centered on the true love of God; this means that God is surely with them.
Therefore, this true family movement is none other than a peace movement bringing God to this earth. Its next milestone will be the Blessing of 360 million couples. The best way to prepare humanity to enter the new millennium is to successfully hold this upcoming marriage Blessing ceremony of 360 million couples.
I hope that those of you who took part in this festival will return to your countries, carry out the pure love movement even more actively, and give it your wholehearted support so that the ideal of true families can be established on earth.
I also anticipate that today’s sports event will provide an opportunity for you to fire up your energies and cultivate close friendships. I would consider this a most successful conclusion to this year’s festival. May the blessings of God be with you, your families and your future.
Thank you.
Everything Wants True Love
February 13, 2000
Little Angels Performing Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
Fourth World Culture and Sports Festival Opening Banquet
Distinguished guests from home and abroad:
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for coming in spite of your busy schedules to take part in the Fourth World Culture and Sports Festival.
One world under the One God
I have promoted various kinds of peace movements as part of the work to realize God’s Will on earth. Throughout my life I have advocated for a world of true peace through ideal families. The century of division and discord has come to an end. As we hope for peace and unity in the new millennium, we must understand that they cannot be realized if we search for them in a vague manner. The entire world needs to have a detailed blueprint of how we can aspire toward the realization of “One World under the One God”, centering on God’s ideal of creation. We need to implement a concrete, global movement to put it into practice in all areas of life.
At the early age of sixteen, I came to know of Heaven’s Will. Since then, I have communicated freely with sages of the past, including Jesus in paradise. I have overcome various hardships throughout my lifetime as I devoted all my heart and strength with the single thought of achieving God’s Will. I came to know that God’s Will is to construct the kingdom of heaven of freedom, peace and liberation on earth and in heaven. I also came to understand that the original relationship between God and human beings is the eternal relationship between the Parent and His children. The human Fall was the severing of this tie, and restoration refers to recovering this connection between our Heavenly Parent and us as His children.
The various peace organizations and international associations I have founded are also part of the work to achieve the Will of God. They are part of continuing work to prepare for one world under God. In particular, the International Blessing Ceremony that you witnessed is God’s strategy to resolve, on a fundamental level, the conflicts between races, religions, and nations, conflicts that arose due to the Fall. The coming together of people of all the races as true husbands and wives is the realization of the sacred ideal that pursues one world under the One God.
Now, at the close of the celebrations of my eightieth birthday and the historic event of the Fourth World Culture and Sports Festival, the title of the speech I would like to share with you is, “Everything Wants True Love.”
Love absolutely requires counterparts
Ladies and gentlemen, what is the most important thing of all, which we need more than anything else? It is not money, power or knowledge. It is true love. True love is more precious than life itself and as important to us as air or water.
Why is true love so precious and important? It is because it is the means by which we can meet God. Just as human beings desire to meet God, God wants to meet true human beings, all because of love. The love by which God can see, touch and share with men and women is the very love by which men and women love each other. If anything other than love were to be recognized as the most valuable thing in the universe, men and women would fight each other to claim it for themselves. However, once we realize that it is love that has the highest value, we can strive to live for each other and become one with each other, sharing the happiness of possessing love together.
Everyone desires love. Love is the only thing that can satisfy the highest human desires. And it is humankind’s and God’s undying attraction to love that makes God’s providence of salvation possible.
Fundamentally, love belongs to God. Yet even God cannot fulfill love all by Himself. Love requires a mutual relationship. A man by himself or a woman by herself cannot experience love. Each woman exists for the sake of a man’s love, and each man exists for the sake of a woman’s love. Regardless of external appearance, each of us desires in our heart a mate with whom we can give and receive the highest degree of love.
When we examine the universe, we see that all beings exist in pairs relating to one another as subject partner and object partner. In the mineral world, we observe the relationship between particles with plus and minus charges. In the plant world, the animal world and the world of human beings, we see the relationship between masculine and feminine aspects. This is because God created the universe in order to fulfill the expression of love. All beings desire the experience of true love through a mutual relationship. Love is the one power in the universe that absolutely no one can fulfill alone. Once we have a partner, however, love gives us the power to share the entire universe. By the same principle, a husband and wife need children in order to experience the profound joy of parental love.
Thus, we can say that God created human beings and the universe as His reciprocal partners in order to realize true love. All types of love including children’s love, siblings’ love, conjugal love and parental love, come about through the unity of subject and object partners. When two partners become one in true love, it is impossible to separate them. If for any reason separation does occur, true love is destroyed. Therefore, in true love there is no concept of divorce.
The essence of true love
When a man feels love, the feeling is not generated by itself. It awakens in his heart because of a particular woman. Likewise, the fire of love is kindled in the heart of a woman not by herself alone but by the man she loves. In other words, our love belongs to our partner. Thus, we must honor our partner’s love as being even more precious than our own. Each person needs to be grateful to his or her spouse and live life for the sake of the other. This basic reasoning will make it possible for each couple of the 360 million blessed couples to remain together eternally.
When husbands and wives live for each other, respect each other, and become completely one through true love, it will be possible for the fallen lineage of Satan to be rooted out completely. True love grows through both horizontal and vertical relationships of giving and receiving. A horizontal relationship of true love is gradually elevated in a vertical direction until it eventually reaches the pinnacle of unity with God. This pinnacle is the position of the “king and queen of true love.” In this position, the entire world becomes remade, embraced and crystallized by love, and everything blooms. This is why all beings in the universe want to be transformed through love and live in the midst of love. We are born for the sake of love, we are designed to live for the sake of love, and finally we are destined to die in the bosom of love.
All people and all entities desire true love. This is why humans, as the highest beings in creation, need to embrace and love God’s masterpieces of creation and teach creation how to love. All created things are longing to receive and experience God’s love through men and women who have become one with God at the pinnacle of true love. It is a shame we have not yet realized this degree of love.
All entities exist at a certain level in mutual attraction with each other. At the same time, all entities want to be absorbed into higher levels of love. Thus, minerals want to be absorbed into plants, plants want to be absorbed into animals, and finally all created things want to be absorbed into humans. Through this process, they ultimately reach the position where they can experience the essence of true love, which is the love that is nearest to God, the origin of love. God created everything with an intrinsic nature to provide value to a higher level. For example, creatures such as eels and worms, which fish like to eat, also provide ingredients for natural medicines for humans. Creatures on a higher level are meant to consume entities on a lower level. Without this process, the universe could not exist.
Darwin’s theory regarding the survival of the fittest needs to be reexamined in the context of this logic of love. Even ants and microorganisms want true love so much that they will die to become part of an entity of greater love. Because of this principle, human beings, created as the highest partners of God’s love, can consume all creatures. We can enjoy everything we desire, on one condition, that we do so with a heart that represents the love of God, the Creator.
The order of love between man and woman is the cornerstone of the universe
God’s ideal was for one couple, Adam and Eve, centering on true love, to become the seed from which all the world’s families, clans, nations and finally the vast citizenry of the kingdom of heaven would descend. However, citizens of the kingdom of heaven can be created only in accordance with God’s tradition of true love.
The view I’m sharing is very different from the theories of Charles Darwin. Yet, it is through this perspective, and not Darwin’s theories, that we will achieve a world of peace. This is because my words witness to the fundamental principles of creation.
In his theory of evolution, Darwin proposed that species evolve through a process of natural selection based on random mutations. Such a theory implies there is no fundamental meaning, order or goal in the development of the natural world. Today scientists and others debate between the theory of evolution and the theory of creation. The word “creation” acknowledges the existence of God the Creator and that there is purpose embodied in His act of creation. Each subject partner and object partner unites with its counterpart to achieve a higher purpose.
As with Darwinism, materialism-based communist theory lacks the understanding of purpose. God’s creation embodies the purpose of true love, whereas communism posits only struggle and destruction. Thus, it is destined to disappear.
In all creation, the most precious entities are human beings, men and women. Furthermore, the most precious part of the human body is not the nose, the eyes, the hands or even the brain. It is the reproductive organs, the organs of love. These parts have the marvelous power of procreation. Most living things multiply through sexual reproduction. The most precious and outstanding family begins with a husband and wife who are spiritually and physically united with each other. Our love organs are the main sanctuary of life, occupying a position of incredible value that connects us to lineage and history.
God’s fundamental principle is to create through male and female. For a man and woman to share absolute love, however, they must have only one partner. We must not have two or more partners, only one, eternally. There is absolutely only one man for each woman and one woman for each man. This is why God did not create two Adams or two Eves. Tragically, in the world today we see children who have had as many as ten stepfathers. How false and degraded love has become!
When men and women uphold and preserve chastity, they are protecting the universe. The discipline of love between men and women is the foundation of the universe. We must not abuse our love. Human beings, God’s sons and daughters, must never descend to being ruled by our physical instincts. Our love can have only one owner. The word “true” in true love does not allow for the possibility of more than one partner. There can be only one. This is an absolute law.
Having a connection with true love
Not just anyone can say they have true love. Only God can really love with true love, and only God absolutely owns true love. God’s true life, God’s true lineage and God’s true conscience emerge from true love. In this way, the most fundamental essence of God is true love.
Therefore to connect with true love, we must first relate with God. A child might say, “My mother and father don’t fight, and we live well,” but this does not necessarily mean this is a family of true love. A young man and woman may say, “We are so much in love we could die.” This doesn’t mean their love is true love. If God is not present, it is not true love. True love always centers on God. To have it, we first need to connect with God’s love, life and lineage. Then we can truly become God’s sons and daughters.
Personal influence, knowledge, money or military power cannot ensure a person will be welcome in the world of true love. Everyone wants true love, yet such love is possible only when we live for others. We need to sacrifice for and serve our partner. Everyone avoids a person who relates to others with the mindset that says, “You have to live for me.” This kind of selfish individualism is Satan’s strategy, purpose and tool. The result is always hell. We need to live for the public purpose. If a person lives for others, sacrificing him or herself and serving the public purpose, everyone and everything will come to love that individual.
Living together with God eternally
We are created as God’s children. As we grow in love, relating to brothers and sisters, becoming husbands and wives, giving birth to children and raising them, God is present each step of the way, harvesting true love. God observes and guides us as we develop, and He becomes the owner of love at each stage. In this sense, it can be said that human beings, through whom God comes to own all love, are more precious to God than God is to Himself. In the same way, we attach a thousand times more value to the person we love than to ourselves.
God invests Himself into those He loves, forgets He has invested, and invests again. He invests Himself one hundred percent and then dismisses one hundred percent of any thought of repayment. This is why He can continue to invest.
In the same way, a wife who wants her husband to be a success invests herself in her husband and then forgets this investment. By investing herself and forgetting, she enables him to achieve his full potential in life. When we as partners continue to invest in each other, with no thought of repayment, the level of our love is elevated, and we will ultimately find ourselves connected to God. This is how we can fulfill our Parent-child relationship with God and have eternal life.
Everyone wants to go to heaven. However, those who have the attitude that “everyone must live for me” will not succeed. True love begins with embracing and living for the sake of all God’s masterpieces of creation. The way we can reach heaven is to live for all humanity and ultimately for God.
During our lives, each of us needs to have at least three experiences in which we dedicate our lives to someone or to some higher purpose. This is how we can indemnify the selfish acts involved in the Fall of Adam’s family, the crucifixion of Jesus and the persecution of the family of the Lord of the Second Advent.
Even after we figuratively pass through death and resurrection three times, we would not ask for God’s praise but instead pledge our lives to Him even more. This is how we can meet God. When such people populate the world, this will be the kingdom of heaven on earth. This is the path I am teaching, and this is the kind of world I am building.
All beings existing in love are in spherical relationships Children are the fruit of the love between their mother and father. We need to understand that children embody their parents’ love, life and lineage. Little children often say, “This is mine,” yet their parents are the origin of everything the children refer to as being their own. Parents are the root and the trunk Without parents, we would all be orphans. We cannot live if we break the ladder of love that connects us to our parents. We are the sons and daughters of God, the Parent who is the origin of true love. Parents are the greatest teachers of love for their children.
The parent-child relationship is vertical, and the husband-wife relationship is horizontal. The fines of these two relationships need to cross at right angles. The relationship among siblings forms a third dimension, a ffont-to-back axis. When all are equidistant from the center and are freely circulating in love, their relationships form a sphere. That is why all beings existing in love, and the universe as a whole, are, in a sense, in spherical relationships. The entire universe achieves balance centering on these relationships.
All love is united and achieves a peaceful, dynamic harmony at the central point of this sphere of love relationships. This center, where all these relationships intersect, is where God resides. If we picture this three-dimensionally, we see that God is the ultimate origin of love, life, lineage and conscience.
In the God-centered family, vertical and horizontal loves are united as one. Such a family will multiply to become a clan, society, nation, world and cosmos of love. The fundamental center, though, is always the One God.
At the turning point of good and evil, good and evil people are blessed together. If Adam and Eve had not fallen, they would have formed a model of true conjugal love, and others would have received the education of love from them, that is to say, others would have learned how to love from them. If Adam and Eve had children, then who would have officiated at their wedding? As their parents, Adam and Eve themselves would have done this. We need to look seriously at the deficiency of parental involvement in their children’s marriages in today’s society.
The Unification movement, founded by True Parents, is standing in the parental position to give the marriage Blessing to all the peoples of the world. These marriages transcend racial, religious and ethnic differences. By knowing True Parents and being engrafted to them, saints and even evil people are being blessed in marriage. True Parents reject evil love, evil life and evil lineage, yet they do not cast out Cain, who murdered Abel. Everyone, including Cain, receives the same Blessing.
In the ocean, there is a point during the changing of the tides when the forces of the outgoing and incoming tides are at equilibrium. There is a similar turning point in the providence of salvation in the balance between the forces of good and evil. Blessing good and evil people at this turning point can expel Satan completely.
The Fall occurred when there was an error in the garden of Eden that involved marriage. The True Parents have now corrected that error, have restored the original foundation, and are blessing marriages. By clearing up the problems caused by Adam and Eve as fallen parents, the True Parents are eradicating hell and giving the Blessing to tens of billions of ancestors in the spirit world. In other words, by centering on true love and restoring the original true love, true life and true lineage, we are creating the true parent-child relationship.
In this way, we come to fulfill the master plan of love, the model of true love in the eight stages of God’s ideal of creation. That is, we establish the eternal, unchanging true love tradition by going through life in the womb, during infancy, as brothers and sisters, as adolescents which is the engagement period, as newlyweds enjoying conjugal love, as parents, as true parents and, finally, as the kings and queens of love. Upon this foundation, we stand as the full realization of true love, culminating in the parent-child relationship.
Leading the new family revolution and moral revolution In God, love, life and lineage are absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Humanity is to inherit this model of true love. This model will not change for tens of thousands of generations. Centering on true love, we can reach oneness between parent and child, between husband and wife, and between brothers and sisters.
A father becomes the owner or master of love through his son. A husband becomes the owner of love through his wife, and vice versa. An elder brother becomes the owner of love through his younger brother. On the other hand, a child without parents, an individual without a spouse, and an elder brother without a younger brother cannot find the central position, the position of the owner of love.
In order to become the owner of true love, the starting-point is to serve and honor our parents. By doing so, we will attain mind-body unity as individuals, conjugal unity as husband and wife, fraternal unity as brother and sister, and world peace as nations. In this way, we can fulfill all the realms of love defined in the eight-stage ideal model.
Again, the ideal family and ideal nation are where all of us as parents, children, couples, brothers and sisters, and nations want to adopt and master the eight-stage model, centering on true love. From there, eternal world peace will emerge, the kingdom of God on earth will dawn, and the kingdom of God in heaven will blossom.
Beginning from the year 2000, in every corner of the globe, countless blessed families united with the True Parents of Heaven and Earth will initiate a new family revolution and a worldwide moral revolution, centering on true love. God is longing to see the eternal ideal kingdom of God built on earth and in heaven. Let us join in this holy task. I pray that all of you will become the owners of God’s true love.
May God’s abundant blessings be upon you and your families.
Thank you very much.
Congratulatory Address for the World
Hanmadang Sports Festival 2000
February 14, 2000
Olympic Park Gymnastics Arena, Seoul, Korea
The Fourth World Hanmadang Sports Festival Opening Ceremony
Guests from home and abroad, and members of the Youth Federation for World Peace from all parts of the world, thank you for coming to Korea, the homeland of heart and the fatherland of faith, and for traveling long distances to attend this festival.
This competition, where youth from around the world come together to compete with one another with all their strength, energy and beauty, is a festival of peace to restore humanity to its original state and to promote a worldwide culture of heart. It aims for the realization of a united world of peace, to firmly establish God’s absolute desire on earth.
The World Culture and Sports Festival in the year 2000, the fourth time this event is being held, is a venue where prominent scholars as well as religious leaders, politicians, media professionals, youth leaders, women leaders and students, representing all fields of world culture, come together as members of the global village, as one family centered on God.
The original ideal world is a world that would have been realized if Adam and Eve, who had been given God’s true love, true life and true lineage, had perfected the four realms of heart—as true children, true siblings, true couples and true parents. Suppose this kind of festival of the culture of heart had been held in that world, where sons and daughters of God came together at one place to compete with one another in strength, energy and beauty, and during that festival pure and good men and women had received the Blessing to form true, happy families. How delighted God would have been!
Unfortunately, the first ancestors of humankind, Adam and Eve, forsook the Will of God in their adolescence. They formed an illicit relationship with the archangel and inherited the archangel’s fallen lineage. As a result, human history became a wretched history.
The Fall, which brought such wretched consequences, occurred at the time of adolescence. It brought human beings under Satan’s domination, whence they have been compelled to carry out his purposes. This incident has remained as a bitter sorrow in the heart of God that can hardly be appeased.
Therefore, the period of adolescence is the most important in a person’s life. During adolescence, young people need to establish true and correct values, values that will enable them to form true families, and through them to build healthy societies, hopeful nations and a peaceful world.
However, the fact of the matter is that due to Satan’s influence, adolescent youths today are becoming increasingly egoistic and individualistic. As a consequence, sexual ethics and sexual morality have broken down, giving rise to free sex, sexual crimes, single mothers, abortion, homosexuality, and AIDS. Families that should be sound and healthy are being destroyed, and the crime rate among young people is rising rapidly. Pornography is rampant, and the sex trade along with paid dating is flourishing.
Owing to such circumstances, people around the world today are living in hell on earth, enduring suffering and misery. Therefore, to save humanity, God is reaffirming His standard of absolute true love in order to reverse all that I mentioned above. He is working to pulverize the culture of evil and liberate hell on earth. In other words, God is on the counterattack against Satan, the destroyer of human beings and their families. To save humankind, He has persevered along the reverse route to establish a model of a true family centered on the True Parents. That is why the True Parents, who are in the position of the Second Coming of the Messiah, have the important responsibility to eradicate fallen sex.
I sought to discover the root of sin, which had its origin in the human Fall and the process of the Fall. In time I came to understand that this root is none other than the illicit love relationship with the fallen archangel, Satan. We need to clearly recognize that this is the root from which stemmed all the social conflicts in human history. That is why members of the second generation today must take the lead in bringing an end to the culture of obscenity and immorality, and eliminate free sex and violence. This is vital if we are to construct the new culture of heart centered on God and to establish firmly the tradition of true love, in order to build the kingdom of heaven on earth.
Humanity has been torn apart by differences in religion, culture, philosophy, doctrine, race, language, and beliefs. To bring fractured humanity together as one and make a united ideal world, I have shed blood, sweat and tears throughout my life. Marching forward toward the one world desired by God, I brought together the leaders of the world, formed organizations in every field of life centering on God’s love and absolute values, and spread their influence worldwide. Continually working towards this end by investing the true love of God over and over again, I have established a worldwide foundation. Its center is the True Parents, who are the substantial embodiment of true love and true family.
Starting with the Blessing of three couples in 1960, I have officiated at innumerable Blessing ceremonies. In 1999, on the foundation of the Blessing of 360 million couples, I proclaimed the “Day of the Liberation of Cosmic Unification for the Parents of Heaven and Earth.” Yesterday we performed the Blessing ceremony of 400 million couples with pomp and splendor. Along with the pure love movement of adolescents, these events mark the eradication of Satan’s lineage. They are ushering in the advent of the era of the realm of the fourth Adam, both in name and in reality.
In addition, by forming such organizations as the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, the Professors World Peace Academy, the World Media Association, the Interreligious Federation for World Peace, the Federation for World Peace, the Women’s Federation for World Peace, the Youth Federation for World Peace, the Students Federation for World Peace, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, and the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, I have continued to expand the worldwide foundation to create an environment of goodness centered on God.
The World Culture and Sports Festival 2000 being held at this time is a festival that brings together all these overall foundations of God in one place. It is preparing the foundation for a significant leap toward the greater harmony of humanity and the construction of the world of the new culture of heart. The Fourth World Hanmadang Sports Festival, held as a part of this meaningful event, is a festival of peace that reaffirms the conviction that the traditions and values of the diverse cultures across the world’s oceans and continents can be united as one, transcending race, religion, philosophy, and doctrine. It is an event whose great harmony opens the horizons to a united culture of heart.
The basis of this movement for a united culture of heart is none other than the Divine Principle movement, which is a new movement dedicated to the practice of true love. This Divine Principle movement is already widely known among the youth of all nations. It presents a “head-wing” teaching of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values, which will save the ruined nations of the former communist bloc and the free democratic world that itself is wandering amid the confusion of values. It has become a driving force of hope for young people who are trying to establish the ideal world as it was originally created.
Please understand that this Fourth World Hanmadang Sports Festival, which is being held at the very beginning of the new millennium, is a blessed event. It can catalyze heartfelt expectations and hopes for God and humanity as never before.
Young adults and students, you who will be future leaders in the twenty- first century, what is the most important thing in your lives? It is to realize true love. However, true love is something you cannot achieve by yourself, because it comes from your object partner. You can achieve true love only when you live for your object partner. If there were any human value that can be considered the most precious, it would be the value of living for the sake of others. You must become young people and students who can prepare for the future by establishing your values based on living for the sake of others.
You have to achieve the standard where your sound spirit and strong body are united as one; only then will you be able to carry out creative and independent activities where you dedicate your whole self. No matter how healthy your spirit is, if your physical body is old and weak, you cannot substantiate your ideal. Conversely, even if you have a healthy body, if you don’t have a sound spirit, then you cannot act like a righteous person. I hope that all of you will clearly understand this fact and continue to work hard, over and over again, to achieve a healthy unity of mind and body through this sports festival.
Let us all march forward to build the one united world of peace by perfecting the true families that God has long sought for and that humanity has long yearned for. Let us work for this with burning passion, pure life, and wise reasoning, and by arming ourselves with the three great subject partners principle, which teaches that we should become true parents, true teachers, and true owners.
We need to realize the long-cherished dream of God and humanity by building a world of united cultures that transcends the barriers of nationality, race, religion and culture. There are many tasks that still remain for us to carry out in order to establish this united world. Among these are the unification of South and North Korea, reducing and eventually eliminating the disparity in wealth between the South and the North, and closing the gap between the cultures of East and West.
I ask that you fully invest your bodies, minds and hearts to become the victors who achieve the long-cherished desire of all generations. I ask you, with your pure passion and indefatigable spirit, to experience the heart of God. This is the direction that you, the youth and students living in the same era as True Parents, must follow at the beginning of the new millennium.
I ask you all to be strong and bold to realize the ideal world through your strength and resolve. I want to express my gratitude to you, and may the boundless blessings of God and heavenly fortune will be with you in the days to come.
Thank you.
Dialogue and Harmony
among Civilizations
January 27, 2001
United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA
Special International Conference, World Culture and Sports Festival 2001
Distinguished chairperson, present and former heads of state and government from around the world, world leaders from diverse fields, ladies and gentlemen:
You have gathered to discuss the topic, “Dialogue and Harmony among Civilizations: The Family, Universal Values and World Peace.” You are contributing the perspectives gleaned from your activities in countries around the world. The issue before us is not simple. I believe we must look upon this conference as an ideal forum in which we can take moral responsibility for this age and move toward a world culture of peace.
Peace among civilizations and interreligious dialogue Many civilizations have risen and fallen over the course of history. Certain civilizations rose to power and were highly advanced, yet they declined and now are forgotten. Civilizations collapse partly because of external factors such as climate change, disease, hostile invasions or natural disasters. However, in most cases, internal factors, particularly those related to the decline of religion and morality, have played a greater role.
Increasingly, we observe conflicts caused by disharmony or misunderstanding among religions, and their dangerous consequences. If religions do not place a high priority on interreligious dialogue and harmony, dialogue and harmony among civilizations will be impossible.
Religions are the internal center of world civilizations, but the family is the basic foundation upon which even religions exist. As we all know well, all people are born from a love relationship between a father and a mother and within that is our connection of lineage to them. That lineage continues on through the generations.
As a training ground to develop and nurture an individual’s character, the family is far more important than schools or government. Also, the family has had a primary role in the creation, development and propagation of culture and civilization. Without the family, civilization cannot be passed on to the next generation. The family is the all-important first school for learning about love. Love between parents and children, between husbands and wives, and among brothers and sisters need to be grounded in God’s true love. When a family directly connects to God’s true love, it substantiates God’s true love culture. This can be the beginning point for building a civilization of true love and peace.
A true man and a true woman form a true family. Their exemplary, loving relationship creates a true family of love and peace, which contains the solution to the world s larger problems.
The civilization of peace and true love stems from true families A review of history reveals clearly that humanity has been plagued with the evils of war and conflict. Even within ourselves, we cannot deny a struggle between our mind and body. The origin of our mind-body struggle can be traced to Adam and Eve, who formed a conjugal relationship through illicit love. This illicit relationship was the origin of the false lineage of humankind, which is based on conflict and guilt rather than joy and love.
We face the problem that the blood of the adulterer Satan flows in our bodies. Originally human beings were supposed to unite their mind and body like plus and minus. But when humanity inherited Satan’s lineage, it resulted in a serious conflict, like two plus charges repelling each other within us. This is something we need to be aware of.
The problems of free sex, family breakdown, homosexuality, and drug abuse are symptomatic of the Last Days. God seeks to guide human beings through these tumultuous times through the person of the Messiah, who stands as the True Parent to foster unity and peace within the individual, among couples, in the family, between nations and in the world.
Even though God created us, we are in a state of constant inner conflict. Our body is the base of operations for hell, and our conscience is the base of operations for heaven. The fact that our bodily impulses are often stronger than our conscience suggests that at the time of the Fall, the power of false love was stronger than the power of the conscience. Bringing a solution to this problem is the key to our salvation. Therefore God has been utilizing religion to weaken the body’s influence over the conscience. For this reason, religion is as necessary in the present as it was in the past.
Religion is to resolve the conflict between mind and body What is the mission that religion must fulfill? It is to get us to cultivate things that body-centered people don’t like. For this reason, religions tell us to fast, to serve others, to be sacrificial and finally to place ourselves on the altar as an offering. A sacrificial offering must be prepared to shed its blood and sacrifice its life.
Fallen human beings became false olive trees with roots of false love. They failed to become true olive trees. How can we solve this problem? Today it is possible for human beings to receive the Blessing. It is given in a ceremony to rededicate marriages based upon God’s ideal of the family. This ceremony represents the symbolic engrafting one’s family to the true life, true love and true lineage of the Lord of the Second Advent, the True Parents of humankind. In other words, it is finally possible for fallen humanity, symbolized by false olive trees, to be cut and grafted onto the true olive tree of the True Family, and in this way achieve restoration and salvation. Through this process, it will be possible for all people to create true families, true nations and, ultimately, the true kingdom of God in heaven and on earth.
I have taught it is God’s Will that we create true families through this ceremony to rededicate marriages, which transcend religion, culture, race and nation. This is extremely important for the realization of world peace. I have given this Blessing to hundreds of millions of couples around the world, and they participated because they determined to realize these noble ideals. I have dedicated my life for the sake of families of true love, which are the cornerstones of an ideal society and world peace.
A study of any of the great religions will show that they contain values universal to all humankind, transcending culture, race, religion and national boundaries. Religious teachings ultimately allow us to restore our relationship with the Almighty through the practice of true love. When we become one with the absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal God through faith, we restore our parent-child relationship with God and reclaim our original value.
A realm of the heart that is formed through true love, no matter how small it may be, connects us with the universe as a whole. Only in the context of God’s true love can humanity fulfill the ideals of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values. This is because the entire cosmos, including the spirit world, exists on the foundation of the principle of God’s true love.
Let us build a peaceful world
Today, we are meeting in the United Nations building, which was established as a temple of peace. We must do everything we can to support the United Nations, so that it can be a true instrument of peace that fulfills its founding vision. Humanity has reached a state when it needs to give priority to the common good that transcends nations. Every country’s governmental institutions and non-governmental organizations also need to participate in the effort to realize true love and true families. Otherwise, we cannot bring about world peace. I would like to ask you to take an active part in this movement for true love by seeking to live for others and to create true families so that we may build a new world of the culture of heart.
I pray that God’s blessing may be with you and your families.
Thank you.
The Kingdom of Heaven: Who Will
Enter It, and How Will They Get There?
January 29, 2001
The New York Hilton, New York, USA
Banquet to celebrate True Parents’ Birthday and
the closing of the World Culture and Sports Festival 2001
Honorable former and present heads of state, distinguished religious leaders and representatives of world leaders:
I applaud the hard work you have invested to make this Fifth World Culture and Sports Festival shine more brightly than any of its predecessors. I am also grateful that you have shown appreciation for my work and vision, and that you have promised to give constant support for it in the coming days. In return, this evening I would like to give you a precious gift of words.
I will speak from the truth I have found through immense suffering on a journey that began in my youth. This journey has brought me to the boundless world of heaven. Tonight I will speak about the principles of the spirit world that we enter after death, a world no one can ignore. I would also like to introduce some aspects of life in the kingdom of heaven, the realm everyone yearns to enter.
As a result of the Fall, our first ancestors could not marry with God’s Blessing. While they were still growing up, they fell by disobeying God and committing adultery with Satan. Thus, our problem lies in the fact that our original ancestors inherited Satan’s bloodline.
According to the Principle of Creation, we are to enter the kingdom of heaven after living our life in the kingdom of God on earth. We are to live the kingdom life on earth by establishing the unity of mind and body, the unity of husband and wife, and the unity of parents and children. By inheriting God’s lineage, we were supposed to connect this directly to the spirit world. How does this happen?
The very moment a true bridegroom makes love with his true bride for the first time is the moment they achieve completion as husband and wife. The palace of love on earth, that is, the center of heaven and earth, is opened in that first moment of making love. Through this love, the original palace of love is created for the first time. The life and lineage of humanity begin from that point of love. From the same point, a nation is born. The veritable kingdom of God in heaven and on earth also begins with the opening of that door of first love.
When a man and a woman become one through love and create children, they substantiate the invisible God in visible form. Love is the power that can combine and commingle lineages. Then what is the axis for this mixing of lineages? It is the reproductive organs of the husband and wife, which meet when the two of them make love for the first time. That is a power station, the very dynamo that generates the power of true love, the power of true life, the power of true lineage, the power for the kingdom of God on earth which comes through true families, and the power for the kingdom of God in heaven. Thus, the wedding of Adam and Eve, who were in the position of God’s substantial object partners, was to have been God’s wedding. They would have brought God’s liberation and freedom, and God Himself would have sung and danced.
Knowing this will fill us with awe over the holiness of first love. If first love is corrupted, we destroy the palace of love, the palace of life, the palace of lineage and everything that was to have blossomed forth from them. That is the dreadful reality of the Fall. Through it, we lost the kingdom of God in heaven and on earth. Heaven and earth turned into hell. Throughout history, people have referred to the sexual organs with the worst profanities and curses, because it was they that corrupted heaven and earth. God’s ideal of love was to have settled perfectly among His children on earth, beginning at the place of first love, at the joining of the man’s sexual organ and the woman’s sexual organ. That point, centering on conjugal love, establishes them as God’s perfected object partner. That point is the nucleus of the universe. So if the axis connecting God with the sexual organs of man and woman is broken, the entire universe shatters.
The act of love between a man and woman is the original fountainhead of love. It is the original palace of love, the original palace of life and the original palace of lineage. Our longing for freedom and happiness springs from there. What’s more, all individuals, families, tribes and peoples originate from there. The foundation for peace and the kingdom of God in heaven and on earth is rooted in love. Man and woman blend completely through the union of their sexual organs. However, this love relationship can produce the fruit of either good or evil. We need to recognize the infinite value of our sexual organs. The way of Heaven teaches us that whether we are a man or a woman, we must never misuse them.
Incited by Satan’s false love, Adam and Eve committed adultery, the gravest and most self-centered misuse of love, and became a false couple. As false parents, they formed a false family and transmitted sin to their children. The providence of salvation is a providence of restoration. We have to root out Adam and Eve’s very mistake of misusing love and replace false love with true love. Through God’s true love, the re-created Adam and Eve will take the True Parents’ position and engraft humanity to themselves. A man and woman perfected through true love shall establish a true family with God’s Blessing.
We were created to build an ideal family and perfect our spirit while living on earth, and then enter heaven in the spirit world. Our original hometown is the kingdom of God in heaven, where our spirit lives in God’s love for eternity. The Fall, however, closed our spiritual senses. This is why we do not know clearly about our spirit self or about heaven, the spirit world. Unlike animals, we possess a spirit self. We should know about the world of heaven that we inevitably will enter.
The key to entering the heavenly world is the family, which is the school or the training center in which we can perfect our heart. Family life guides us to master ourselves for the sake of sharing love with others. Thus, the family is the base upon which we can build the kingdom of God. The kingdom of heaven is where we are intoxicated in the service of God, our King and Lord. We can enter there only as families.
The ultimate ideal of all people is to become object partners of God’s true love and live with God. To ascend to a higher place in heaven, you need to live as God lives, investing your life for the sake of others. People who put their family ahead of themselves, their tribe ahead of their family, their nation ahead of their tribe, the world ahead of their nation, and heaven and earth ahead of the world, all for the sake of God, are the closest to God. They will stand as the object partners of God’s true love.
God, the Creator of the universe, has been sacrificing Himself for the sake of the universe more than anyone. Thus, to encounter Him and live with Him, we need training through a life of true love, a life lived for the sake of others. Although God is the king of knowledge, the king of power and the king of wealth, He does not ask us to bring Him these things. God is waiting for the ones who live for the sake of others in the spirit of true love here on earth.
Distinguished world leaders, many people rattle off words about God. They call Him absolute, omnipotent and glorious. Nonetheless, through my lifelong search for truth, I have found all this to be far off the mark. God lost His loving children to Satan’s prison as a result of the Fall of the first ancestors. If your children are imprisoned, can you live in glory? Actually, God’s heart is in the deepest pain. What’s more, God had to give Satan the beautiful creation that He had reserved for His children.
From the moment He lost His object partners of love, the God of true love became the God of loneliness. He was never in the position to fully exercise His power as the Lord of the universe. He never had the chance to fully display His authority as the Creator of all things. Meanwhile, fallen people often boasted over nothing. Even though God is the owner of all that has breath, He was never able to reveal His pride. Being the author of the principles that guide the universe, how can God move freely in the fallen world, the world outside His principles? Human beings, living with all degrees of distrust and disobedience, even ignore God and mock Him as nonexistent and dead. God has endured this long history with a heart of agony. His wait has truly seemed endless.
This tragedy transpired because while Adam and Eve were still growing up they fell, and so became false parents. Out of profound respect for their freedom and responsibility, God did not intervene directly to rectify their mistake. For that reason, we find in history that Christ appeared as the second Adam, and returned as the third Adam, in order to indemnify the mistake of the first Adam and perfect the ideal of True Parents. In this way, everything will be restored. Until then, God waits anxiously. This is the real story behind history: it is the providence of restoration to liberate God’s aching heart.
I have done my absolute best to fulfill the mission of True Parents. I paid no attention whatever to my own welfare or status. My goal was never to build a church. I had only one goal: to walk all the way to liberate God’s heart from pain and help Him realize His deepest desire. In other words, I invested myself totally to set God free from His agony, to establish Him as truly the Lord of the universe, and to set the foundation for humanity to serve Him as the King of the cosmos.
Do you think this task has been easy? I had to bring Satan to surrender both in heaven and on earth. I had to tear down all the walls of division and even bring hell to an end. We cannot liberate God’s heart through true love unless we prepare all people on earth and in the spirit world to receive God’s Blessing in freedom. Satan had to recognize this work officially, and it had to accord with the laws of the universe. Satan was enjoying his powerful rule over the nations of the world. Therefore we were challenged to set conditions that achieved victories transcending nations and the world itself.
Dear world leaders, this is a day to rejoice. I have set these conditions. On the thirteenth day of January of this year, in Korea, I held the Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God. This was the greatest day of celebration in all human history. We liberated God’s heart for the first time. He could start His new history based on the power of true love. This is the dawn of the new age in which humanity in heaven and on earth can gratefully attend the liberated God. From now on, we will easily witness the living God and often notice helping hands from the spirit world.
I urge you to study about the spirit world with greater attentiveness and to receive the Blessing from God so you can build a true family. I also encourage you to prepare for your eternal life by living altruistically. The time has come when people who work hard for goodness will feel the hand of heavenly fortune, to which the limited power of human beings cannot compare. Those who live the life of a dutiful child, a patriot, a saint and a divine son or daughter before the living God, with a humble and self-effacing attitude, will be the most fortunate. At this advent of the era of God’s kingship, I pray that you will promote His kingship. May we work in partnership to build the world of heart and culture that will transcend all nations.
May God’s blessing be with you always!

The Root of Peace Is in True Love
February 15, 2002
Hilton Millennium Seoul, Seoul, Korea
Address at the World Culture and Sports Festival 2002 and the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace Assembly
Respected chairman, current and former heads of state, and honored guests:
I would like to thank you for participating in the World Culture and Sports Festival 2002, in this second year of the new millennium of hope, and making this event such a great success.
God’s ideal of creation and the basis of peace Humanity is living in an age when change is taking place at a faster pace than ever before. The world is feeling the need for dialogue among religions, harmony among the races, and understanding across cultures. I believe that is why the theme of the World Culture and Sports Festival 2002 is “Toward a World of a Culture of Peace of a New Dimension.” As the founder of this conference, I would like to take this opportunity to share a part of the philosophy of peace that I have believed, practiced, and taught throughout my life.
Respected guests, what do you think is the fundamental root of peace, the peace humankind earnestly hopes for and continually demands? Where do we need to go, and what do we need to do in order to achieve peace? What is the obstacle that blocks humanity’s path to peace? Is there any hope that we can bring about peace in this confused world where individualism and selfishness are rampant?
In order to know the fundamental root of peace, we have to examine God’s ideal of creation. We cannot bring about peace without knowing God and the spirit world. The creation of heaven and earth is nothing other than the manifestation of God’s true love. Human beings were created to be the masters of that world. They were to establish God’s ideal of creation, that is, the kingdom of heaven on earth, and then go to the spirit world and establish the kingdom of heaven of eternal peace. Unless we establish the kingdom of heaven on earth, which is a world of peace, we cannot expect to live in such a world in the spirit world. What we call “the kingdom of heaven” is a place where the creation and humankind live for each other and where all human beings live for one another in harmonious unity.
However, with the Fall committed by our first ancestors, God’s ideal of creation was cruelly destroyed, and it still has not been realized. Human beings fell into such ignorance that we did not know even that the relationship between God and humanity was that of Parent and child. Please look at the contemporary world, which has come about as a result of the human Fall. Deception and divorce decimate families, which otherwise would be overflowing with melodies of happiness and peace. Children, who ought to be cherishing their dreams for the future and cultivating their limitless potential under the warm security of their parents’ love, instead are running into the streets out of a sense of failure and disappointment, becoming slaves to alcohol and drugs, and even throwing their bodies away in free sex. This is the absurd reality that we are witnessing. What do we see when we look at the leaders of today’s nations, who ought to be responsible for their citizens and guide their nations in the direction of goodness? The real interest of many is in the preservation of their own power, not the future of their nation or the happiness of their citizens. Between nations also, isn’t today’s reality one of disharmony and struggle, where there ought to be understanding and peace? Instead, war is rampant. The path to the peace for humankind is blocked.
That is why we have no choice except to look to God, who has been carrying out His providence of salvation, by which He is establishing the ideal of true love and peace that He originally planned. God’s providence of salvation is a providence to recover the original condition. That is, it is a providence of restoration. For the purpose of the providence of restoration, throughout the course of history God established religions, traditions and cultures in each age, as a way to expand the realm of goodness.
The fulfillment of the providence of restoration
Early in my life, I received Heaven’s call for the sake of humankind’s salvation. Ever since that time, my life has been a struggle to overcome persecution and suffering until arriving at the point on January 13,2001, when I could offer to Heaven the Enthronement Ceremony for God’s Kingship. Through this, I liberated God’s heart and returned the kingship to God, who had been waiting for this moment for thousands of years ever since the Fall.
On the foundation of this event, the world has entered an age in which the spirit world and physical world can unite and communicate freely with each other. The spirit world is breathing in harmony with people in the physical world. Jesus’ twelve disciples, and even the founders of the four great religions, have sent messages testifying to me as the True Parent of humankind and as the Messiah. Thus, the barriers that had divided the two worlds have been completely torn down. I declare before you that we are approaching the age when no one will want to live except by following the way of Heaven.
All people now need to establish true families in which they attend God as their Father. He is the “first generation,” and these families who stand in the position of perfected Adam and Eve and become husband and wife will establish the realm of the second generation. The children whom they then procreate will bring to fruition the realm of the third generation. By following this path we can create a world free from sin, a world filled with true freedom, peace, and happiness, in which God’s direct lineage will thrive on the earth generation after generation for all eternity. Then people will know God and the spirit world with certainty and clearly see the path to bring about peace.
What does peace mean? In human relations, peace means that the subject partner and the object partner become one with each other horizontally. It refers to a state of being level, of complete balance, where there is not even the slightest disturbance. In Chinese characters, the word for peace consists of two characters, one meaning flat, or horizontal, and another meaning harmony, or reconciliation.
God is the origin of true love
Thus, peace is not a solitary place that just one person can form. No one, no matter how hard they may try, can be happy by him or herself. True peace comes only when there is harmony in the relationships of above and below, right and left, and front and back, when there is no leaning to one side or the other. The world of peace is a world in which three-dimensional axes are established in the vertical, front-to-back, and horizontal directions, and where all things are in complete resonance with each other. When the seven colors of the rainbow are combined, they form the color white, which symbolizes harmony and peace. In the same way, peace is a pure white color within which all conditions and circumstances are fused in harmony. When all directions form complete harmony at a single point, then the two-dimensional plane is automatically transcended, the third dimension is taken on and an eternal nature is acquired. This is how the permanent peace of humanity can be established.
Peace does not exist in isolation. It has its root in true love. In the same way that freedom and happiness have their roots in true love, so also true peace cannot be accomplished unless we first bring about true love.
What kind of love is true love? It is love that gives and then forgets that it has given, that is, it is love that gives unconditionally. It is sacrificial love. In the same way that parents attach no conditions to the love by which they give birth, bring up, and provide for a child, all true love is love that gives unconditionally. It is love that even forgives an enemy and then gives to that person. It is a love that gives, and then keeps on giving. Because it gives without condition, true love does not even remember that it has already given. It is a love of unlimited giving. This was the love that God bestowed on human beings at the time He created us. That is why the origin of true love resides in God. When peace is established on the basis of this true love, it will become true peace and will bring with it freedom and happiness.
True peace is achieved where the mind and body are united What, then, are the conditions that we must have in order to accomplish true peace? First, consider the relationship between your mind and body. The principle of Heaven is for the physical body, in the position of the object partner, to follow the direction of the mind, in the position of the subject partner, one hundred percent of the time.
No matter the time, place, or circumstance, the body has to stand before the mind as an absolute object partner, and move or rest in oneness with the mind. This is the way of heavenly law. The person whose mind and body have become completely harmonized in this way is a perfected human being. It is just such true individuals that God has earnestly desired since the beginning. Such true people are able to attend God as their substantial Father, and share with God all their emotions.
Yet, we do not need to examine our lives very deeply at all to feel how distant we are from fulfilling the ideal of such true human beings. When we assess our condition, we feel great embarrassment to hear ourselves referred to as the sons or daughters of God. There are many times when our mind is in the right place, yet our body does not follow, or when we allow ourselves to become slaves to our physical body even though it goes against our conscience,'eventually compelling us to commit unintended wrongdoing.
No matter what it takes, we need to unite our mind and body, become the substantiation of true love, and then pull ourselves up to the stage of perfection. Each of us must become a true person who can call out to God, “My Father!” without the slightest sense of unworthiness or the smallest shadow. If we do that, we will become eternally luminous beings, who send out the light of the truth and love of our Father in Heaven. When we have completed our lives on earth, we will live eternally in the spirit world as the sons and daughters of Heaven, God’s direct children.
Second, as members of a community such as a society or a nation, we have to practice living for the sake of others. This means we must respect each person’s human rights. Under no circumstance may we commit the mistake of violating the human rights of another. People of all races are born with equal value. As far as race is concerned, God is colorblind. Racial discrimination, religious struggle, and selfish nationalism give rise to situations resulting in the violation of human rights. The age when people could be ruled by force has passed. The twenty-first century is an age when people live together, transcending race, nation, and religion. This means that the age of ruling through true love has begun.
The way to realize a world of peace
Respected world leaders, Jesus also said, “For the Son of Man also came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matt. 20:28) Jesus made clear that the path to bringing about a world of peace lies in living for the sake of others, which is the heavenly way.
I have stated that the root of peace is true love. For this reason, we are all called to believe in God, who is the Author and Lord of true love, and follow the correct path of the heavenly law. Heavenly fortune will be with the person who does this, and such a person will be able to accomplish anything. I sincerely ask that each one of you accomplish the perfection of your character by forging the unity of your mind and body and through living for the sake of others, thereby securing a foundation for peace within your mind.
When we forgive even our enemies and live for their sake, we will be able to build a culture of peace on every level, from the individual to the world. This is the reason that last year I declared to all of heaven and earth the beginning of Cheon II Guk, the Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unity. Cheon II Guk signifies a world in which two live as one. On the lowest level, an individual’s mind and body become one to form a perfected person. On a higher level, a husband and wife become one, and parents and children become one, so that the family is united across three generations. Then human beings can build a world where all people are under God as brothers and sisters and share in each other’s emotions.
I have already commissioned more than ten thousand ambassadors for peace across the world so that Cheon II Guk may settle in the world. In this context, I declared at the United Nations that all fighting over national borders must end. I also called for the United Nations to create a body of renowned spiritual leaders from around the world with final decision-making authority that transcends nation, race, and religion, to lead the way in building a world of peace.
The family is God’s most precious gift
Third, we have to establish families where the flowers of true love blossom in full glory. Building a family takes more than one person. When a man and a woman who are completely mature in true love enter into a husband-wife relationship and bear and raise children, this family becomes a true family. Peace will automatically be with this family and it will overflow with happiness. The children need to maintain their virginity until they and their parents unite with another family in mutually agreed upon marriage. After marriage, they need to maintain fidelity to their spouse in the same way their parents did. This will extend this true family to the second generation. If the true lineage composed of true families extends to the third generation, then God will settle in this family, and the kingdom of heaven on earth, which has been humanity’s long-held, earnest desire, will be accomplished.
Such true families will expand to constitute the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven. It will be a world of interdependence, mutual prosperity, universally shared values, and mutual love. It will be a world of peace in which we are all brothers and sisters to each other, live together, prosper together, and establish a righteous world where we all live for the sake of others.
This is the reason that the family is so important. The family is the most precious gift that God has given to humankind. The family is the basic unit for peace and happiness throughout the world and the basic unit for building the kingdom of heaven on earth. Even if a particular individual reaches perfection, this will end in just one generation unless he or she forms a family and has children through whom he or she can create a lineage.
Seen from the perspective of God’s purpose of creation, the acceptance of homosexuality, which is muliplying like mushrooms all over the world, can only be described as a phenomenon that harbors the seeds of humanity’s destruction. I hope that you will never forget this fact because, as leaders, it is your responsibility to enlighten humanity; you are responsible for the world. If you believe the truth given by Heaven and receive it, then what have you to fear? Please stand in the forefront of the effort to rid the world of such ailments as free sex and homosexuality, which work to destroy Heaven’s true lineage and threaten world peace and humanity’s very existence. I ask you to take on the role of pioneers working to spread the culture of peace in this world that is otherwise bound up in struggle and hatred.
We can play a leading role in restoring the environment
Fourth, as leaders of societies and nations, we must forbid all behavior involving the misappropriation or embezzlement of public funds under any circumstances. We must refrain from making personal use of public property or public funds. We also need to change the behaviors that destroy the environment, for it makes our lives possible and gives us enjoyment. Embezzling public funds and passing these on to one’s child is an act more horrible than feeding the child poison.
The environmental destruction that I refer to here does not include just the destruction of the natural environment and the resulting pollution and exhaustion of resources. It also includes the destruction of the social environment that makes it possible for us to live and thrive together. Before God created human beings, He created the environment, and His desire is that we be stewards of the environment in accordance with His love and will, and by living in harmony with the environment to experience great joy in our lives. Let us become true persons who feel grateful to Heaven every time we see even a single blade of grass or a single cloud in the sky. Then we will naturally place ourselves in the forefront of the effort to eradicate pollution.
We have to establish the world of God’s original ideal, and live for the realization of that ideal with humble hearts. Let us live with a heart of gratitude toward our parents who gave us birth and also toward everyone around us. We need to be always grateful for the fact that we are alive.
I hope that during the period of this conference you will have forthright discussions and share studies that contribute to the advancement of the peace of humanity.
Thank you.
The Path for the True Salvation
of the World and the Nation
February 17,2002
Little Angels Performing Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
Congratulatory Banquet for the World Culture and Sports Festival 2002 and
the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace Assembly
Respected world leaders and delegates to the Eighth World Culture and Sports Festival and the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace Assembly 2002:
Please accept my compliments for having devoted your best efforts during the past few days to the World Culture and Sports Festival and this international conference held to search for solutions to critical global problems. In this evening’s remarks bringing events to a close I would like to make a number of requests to you.
First, let me express my gratitude that a number of people have offered much praise for my accomplishments during today’s celebration marking my birthday. You have expressed amazement as you praised my visible accomplishments. I would request, though, that you take greater interest in studying the depth of my sincerity and dedication, as well as the spiritual foundation that underlies these visible accomplishments, and their significance in the history of God’s providence.
Participate in the movement to bring about true families and the ideal of a peaceful world
From the time of my birth, my life has been connected directly to the consummation of God’s providential history. I would like to make clear that what I have done is based on more than a single individual’s study or evaluation. What I have done, I did together with the heavenly way, with the official acknowledgment by the spirit world, and on the foundation of remarkable conditions that God established ahead of time. I faced death many times, and had I not been supported by God’s unlimited protection and love, I probably would not be here standing before you today. Let me take this opportunity to once more return all gratitude and glory to God.
You are leaders in the world and ambassadors for peace. Having learned the way of Heaven in the context of your relationship with me, you need to make certain to educate those in your sphere of influence about it. If ambassadors for peace around the world connect with each other focusing on the way of Heaven and work together with one heart, you will be able to change this world into an ideal world of peace.
Even today, my heart is so engrossed in the task of bringing God’s providence to its conclusion that I forget how old my body is. I cannot take a single minute, or even a single second, more than is necessary to save humanity from sin, attain the ideal world of peace, and completely liberate God.
For this purpose, I ask all of you to take an active part in the movement that I have founded and am pushing forward. In particular, I ask you to stand in the forefront of the pure love movement for young people, and the marriage Blessing and true love movements that put into practice the sanctity of marriage and the unchanging love between husband and wife.
People must attend God as their first-generation Father, and then join as husbands and wives in the positions of completed Adam and completed Eve to establish the realm of the second generation. It is only when such people form true families by becoming parents standing together with their children that God’s ideal of true love will settle on the earth.
The marriage Blessing is the ceremony in which men and women completely reject the love of Satan and his ownership over love that exists in the realm of the Fall. They pledge themselves to a life of pure love, chastity and fidelity and register in the realm of God’s true love. The act of receiving the Blessing and the task building a true family are the most precious and meaningful endeavors in all of providential history, from the Old Testament Age to the New Testament and Completed Testament Ages.
This is a movement for reconciliation that transcends nation, race and religion. It is a holy movement for world and national salvation. I ask the ambassadors for peace and all of you who are leaders to take the initiative and actively give your guidance. I sincerely request that in each country there will be a thousand, or even ten thousand, of my representatives working to realize the ideal of Cheon II Guk—the Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity— which is God’s fervent desire.
My struggle against evil
Leaders of the world, I have dedicated my life to fulfilling the mission of True Parents in response to God’s call. On this path I never asked anyone to help me or lead the way. There were no signposts. It was the path of a pioneer that no one had traveled before. Attaining the position of True Parents meant Satan’s destruction, so I could not avoid Satan’s all-out attack. Satan is a spiritual being, and at times he would attack directly in a spiritual manner. At other times he would incite his representatives to stage a wide variety of attacks. Satan is the false king who claimed for himself an ephemeral power. He transcended time and space to plot against me and obstruct my work.
There was only one path to overcome such an enemy: the path of giving out of true love and of making indemnity conditions by sacrificing myself. This is because it is God’s Principle that not force but only true love can bring an enemy to surrender naturally.
Throughout my life, I lived continuously for the sake of those who opposed me, unable to understand God’s truth. Without anyone knowing,
I invested more love for the children of those who persecuted me than for my own children. When countries or governments opposed me, I lived even more for their sake. Today the world acknowledges me, and those who oppose me express their respect for me.
In this, we can discern the difference between the ways God and Satan pursue their purposes. Heaven’s strategy is to allow itself to be struck and then receive something in compensation. Satan’s strategy is to strike first, but he ends up suffering a loss as a result of that strike.
World peace through the cooperation of the earthly world and the heavenly world
Respected leaders, I want to affirm an important fact that I mentioned briefly in my Founder’s Address during the opening plenary. A perfect world of peace on this earth will come about in the context of harmony and cooperation with the heavenly world.
The heavenly world, that is, the spirit world, is another world of its own.
Many spirit people live there. All the spirits there are eternal beings. They were once earthly people but have shed their physical bodies. All of your ancestors live there. Human beings know very little about the spirit world, because our spiritual sensibility was vastly diminished and our five spiritual senses ceased to function as a result of the human Fall. I was able to look across the entire spirit world at an early age, and throughout the years I have communicated continuously with that world. Even at this moment, the founders of the four major religions are testifying to me as the True Parent and are sending messages to the earth as I have requested.
The spirit world is a limitless and eternal world, so it is far more complex than this world of external phenomena. People there are divided among many levels and groups in accordance with their degree of spiritual development. I have devoted much effort through the years to give the marriage Blessing to people in the spirit world and to bring harmony and unity to that world. As on the earth, a victorious foundation can be laid in the spirit world only by means of sacrificial conditions of true love. Throughout the years, many conditions have been offered. Many fierce battles have been fought to subdue Satan and evil spirits, and much grace has been poured out for the sake of bringing the good spirits together and educating them. In particular, the availability of the holy marriage Blessing to people in the spirit world is a grace of revolutionary significance.
For decades I have made declarations and established conditions to liberate hell and abolish the boundary between hell and paradise. With difficulty, I have opened the gate to the marriage Blessing in the spirit world. To open wide the way for people in the spirit world to receive the marriage Blessing, I established important conditions, including the Declaration of Cosmic Liberation, the Declaration of the Realm of Cosmic Unity and Liberation Centered on the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Ceremony for the Liberation of the Spirit World. These are miraculous events. While you were unaware, all your ancestors have come into the realm of the grace of the marriage Blessing. Further, as a result of offering the Coronation Ceremony of God’s Kingship, God’s absolute authority now extends throughout the spirit world as a life-giving grace. It has linked the ideal of the Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity to the fervent desires of all people in the spirit world, enabling spirit people to return to the earth and actively cooperate with people here.
World leaders, the day will come soon when the cooperation of good spirit people returning to the earth will give enlightenment and guidance to people in the physical world for resolving conflicts by means of true love. As leaders, you need to practice the heavenly way so that you may receive cooperation from the spirit world. That way you can bring about the ideal world by forming ideal families, which is the desire within all people’s original minds. Such a world Will substantiate a culture of peace. It will be a world rooted in a culture of heart, the Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity.
I would like to express my gratitude again to all participants in the World Culture and Sports Festival 2002. I pray that God’s blessing will flow abundantly to your families, countries and world.
Education Based on Godism
April 14, 2002
Sun Moon University, Asan, Korea
Address at the granting of honorary doctorates
to Reverend Sun Myung Moon and Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon
Guests from home and abroad, professors, students, and members of the university staff:
I am grateful to God that I am being awarded this honorary doctor of divinity degree, and that my wife, Hak Ja Han Moon, is being awarded this honorary doctor of humanities degree, by the consensus of the Graduate School Council of Sun Moon University. The awards take place on this meaningful day when the main building of Sun Moon University is being dedicated.
The purpose of education is to foster the true love of God As I mentioned at the dedication ceremony, my purpose in establishing educational institutions is to provide education for the practice of God’s ideal of true love. Although God our Creator can be described as absolute, unique, unchanging, eternal, omniscient, omnipotent, and more, true love is the most fundamental attribute of God.
The ideal of love can be achieved only through a relationship with an object partner. True love has this distinctive nature. Even God requires an object partner of love and has to live for the sake of the other. This was the motive of God, the self-existent and Absolute Being, for creating the world.
All created beings are the object partners of God’s love, directly or indirectly. Among them, human beings were created as His children who are closest to Him and who can inherit everything from Him. For human beings, God is the incorporeal True Parent.
In accordance with their religious affiliations and doctrines, people have a variety of ways in which they express that God, the Causal Being, is the True Parent of true love. Thus God is the central point through whom all people can be brought together as one, transcending nationality, race, religion, language and culture.
Nonetheless, every religion considers itself superior to other religions. For this reason we witness ourselves sinking into a whirlpool of religious war, as we have observed in the recent terror attack on the World Trade Center in the United States and the conflicts between Israel and the Palestinians. Even so, all refigions possess a universal truth, a truth that originated in and was established by the one God, who is moving us toward a common goal. The one God is the Lord who is the final destination of all religions. Therefore, religious believers have to make a concerted effort to find similarities with one another rather than dwell on their differences.
The central value of religion is the true love of God. True love means living for the sake of others. It means living more for the sake of the family than the individual, more for the community than the family, more for the nation than the community, more for the world than the nation, more for the cosmos than the world, and more for God than the cosmos. When this takes place, God can return to the starting point and live for the sake of human beings, His children. This is the universal truth. In the same way, refigions need to learn about and understand other refigions, and move forward by living for the sake of other refigions.
To realize a peaceful world through religion, I founded organizations such as the Interreligious Federation for World Peace, the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, and the World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations. I have been carrying out a campaign to bring together all religious believers of the world. Moreover, in order to facilitate dialogue and cooperation between refigions, I published World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts, compiled by the collaborative efforts of representative scholars from the world’s refigions. You may find this hard to believe: We actually are investing tens and hundreds of times more into our interreligious and interdenominational work than we budget for the Unification Church.
Moreover, God is the origin and source of all avenues to knowledge that express the truth. Before teaching its students about the material values vital to the secular world, Sun Moon University inculcates the attitude of loving God. Professors need to teach and students need to learn with an attitude and understanding that God is the source of all learning, values and truth.
The ideal of education at Sun Moon University expressed in its motto, “Love God,” refers to establishing righteous values rooted in God’s love and practicing them in one’s daily life. Contemporary society is rampant with materialism, atheism and secular values promoting hedonism. It is a confused society that is destructive to authentic values. The motto, “Love God,” proposes that values be God-centered, as an alternative to the degenerate values of contemporary society. In short, it is the teaching of Godism.
Practicing the true love of God in North Korea In late 1991, my wife and I visited North Korea at the invitation of President Kim II Sung. Bear in mind that only a few years before that visit the KGB, the Committee of State Security of the Soviet Union, and communist terrorist groups were maneuvering to eliminate me because of my position as a global religious leader and pre-eminent leader of the Victory over Communism movement. So, entering the state-controlled land of North Korea was in itself a life-and-death proposition.
However, meeting with Kim II Sung was absolutely necessary for the purpose of addressing and resolving the issue of unification. Because I knew that it was a providential requirement that I needed to face sooner or later in the history of God’s providence, I entered North Korea depending solely on God. I did not go to North Korea to carry out a joint business venture. Rather, my wife and I entered that nation in a dignified manner, with compassionate hearts as the True Parents of humanity. In order to realize God’s cherished hope for the unification of North and South Korea, we had to love the North Korean people more than anyone else.
In this spirit, I proposed to the supreme leader of North Korea, “Unification cannot be achieved through the Juche ideology. Let us unite through Godism, through which North and South Korea can live together.” I later heard that the people accompanying me were thinking to themselves, “This is it. There is no way we will return alive!”
A year before that, I already had declared the Will of God at the risk of my life when I visited the Soviet Union and met with Mikhail Gorbachev. I considered that my life was secondary to upholding and following Heaven’s decree and Heaven’s Will.
The Godism I am talking about is not my personal opinion that one has the luxury of either accepting or rejecting. God is alive and carrying out His work. To turn away from Him and propagate such false teachings as atheism, materialism and the Juche ideology, is to oppose the way of Heaven. Such false teachings will fade away in history. Only justice, truth, and the way of Heaven will prevail. In this regard, only Godism, which is rooted in the true love of God, can be the basis for unity.
Science and technology must be rooted in absolute values This is also why I have been hosting and leading the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences. Why else would I have gathered world-renowned scholars, including Nobel laureates under my auspices? Why have I been hosting this international conference year after year, despite its exorbitant budget?
Science and technology, which developed at an amazing pace in the twentieth century, have allowed people to enjoy abundant lives. On the other hand, the application of science has also damaged our natural environment and led to the development of weapons of mass destruction, casting a dark shadow. When science and technology are used with selfish motives, they are transformed into lethal weapons that can destroy humankind.
People had believed firmly in scientific reason, but they were appalled by the barbarism displayed by the uses of technology during the two World Wars. Hence, their faith in scientific reason plummeted. Moreover, in contemporary industrialized society people have become slaves of materialistic civilization. All these phenomena are consequences of the misuse of science. Science is not a value-free discipline, as most scientists like to think. Rather, science is a value-oriented discipline, which must be used properly for humanity.
Every time we hosted a meeting of the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, I set the theme around the topic of research into absolute values. The absolute values I am proposing originate in the true love of God, which is the basis of Godism. God, who created the universe and all things in it, is the Supreme Scientist of all scientists and the Supreme Artist of all artists. If scientists become arrogant or conceited because they know a small fraction of the facts about the universe and all things in it created by God, they clearly are dishonoring God and themselves.
Therefore, the goal of scientists ought not to be limited to the narrow fields of physics, chemistry, biology or other subjects. Of course, the specifics of one’s own field of expertise are important. However, we need to carry out academic research in collaborative relationships, so that the work can be complementary, and then dedicate the results of our research to a noble purpose.
It is possible that science can go awry when it becomes an end in itself and is not a means to a greater end. Therefore, scientists need to link their academic achievements to those in other fields. Furthermore, they need to evaluate the use and purpose of their achievements in the context of society as a whole. In this respect, I can state confidently that the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences is the most prestigious international conference, and that it has made significant strides in contemporary society.
The only acceptable teaching is one that can effectively lead the world into a civilized future. It has to be a philosophy founded on the rediscovery of the living God, Whom modern civilization has lost. It has to be rooted in absolute values centered on Him. Western civilization has emphasized human rationality to such an extent that it is immersed in humanism and thus has lost God. The philosophy of materialism has exiled God. Thinking they are liberated from God, people have actually descended into the idol- worship of material.
Freedom without God is not true freedom. Before anything else, the most urgent task at this point in time is to introduce new values grounded in God at the level of university education. Moreover, we need to know that the world of the original essence, that is, the ideal world of spirit, exists beyond the present world. Though it cannot be perceived by the five senses, it is a substantial world that exists beyond any doubt.
I am talking about a reality that I have experienced personally. I have communicated with that world on many occasions. This is yet another academic field that needs to be studied, so that we may gain a correct understanding of God and the spirit world. The twenty-first century will be a time when we will be increasingly able to experience and see the spirit world and spiritual phenomena.
I believe that the key to a true university education is for people in all fields of learning and education to rely on God, the ultimate Subject Being, and form a connection with Him. The primary requirement for a university that will lead world civilization is that it works to establish a system of absolute values grounded in God.
It is not acceptable for education to remain simply a process of transmitting knowledge and skills. At the very least, the development of morality, ethics and conscience has to be the principal axis at the core of all higher education. Therefore, true education is not about mass-producing skilled intellectuals or technicians. Education can be truly meaningful only when it promotes maturity of character and responsible morality.
I hope and pray that Sun Moon University will develop into a university that contributes greatly to this country and human civilization by applying an educational philosophy based on Godism.
Thank you.
The Significance of the Inauguration
of the Sun Moon Peace Cup
June 12,2002
Little Angels Performing Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
Address at the Sun Moon Peace Cup inaugural Banquet
Respected guests, ladies and gentlemen:
It gives me great joy to be able to share this meaningful time with you today. In particular, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to those leaders participating in the Seventeenth World Cup co-hosted by Korea and Japan, who are honoring this rally with their presence despite their busy schedules.
Today, the twelfth of June, is the thirteenth day of the World Cup. Soccer fever is heating up around the world. Each day we see the drama of competition played out in a whirl of upsets and upheavals, joy and disappointment. It is unfolding as a celebration of friendship and excitement that transcends race, ideology and national boundaries. As we gather here today, we need to think deeply about how to work through sports to bring peace to all humanity.
The teaching of peace
The Bible says, “Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matt. 5:9) Throughout my life, I have attended God in the context of religion, academia, media, culture, the arts, sports and other fields, putting these words of the Bible into practice in accordance with the Will of Heaven. My life of more than eighty years has been a continuous offering of sincerity and dedication for the establishment of God’s Will and the ideals of freedom and happiness. I have lived for the realization of world peace.
As you are well aware, down through history, people throughout the world have tried to bring about peace by every possible means. However peace cannot come by the political, economic or military power of any one country. We need a peace teaching, a fundamental truth that can be practiced by families, tribes, peoples, nations, the world and even the cosmos.
The world of true ideals, true love, true life, true lineage and true peace is God’s ideal of creation. It is also the long-cherished desire of humankind. When we speak of ideals, happiness, love and peace, we must begin with an inquiry into their origin. Their origin is a fundamental truth: Life requires that we have one sole partner, and throughout life we should serve, sacrifice and live for our partner’s sake.
Everything exists for a higher purpose
The fundamental principle underlying the order existing in the universe is that each and every being exists for the sake of other beings. In this, they are like God, who exists for His creation. The omniscient God is the King of wisdom. Through His wisdom God created the world of beings in such a way that subject and object partners have to live for each other in order to bring about true love, true happiness and true peace.
All beings are interconnected through a set of dual purposes. At the center of each entity, there are dual purposes. There is the purpose relating to its internal character that seeks the good of the larger whole, and there is the purpose relating to its external form that seeks the entity’s own preservation and comfort. Exemplifying the external purpose, atoms exist based on the action of the protons and electrons within them. Exemplifying the internal purpose, atoms form molecules by interacting with each other by their positive and negative charges. Molecules, in turn, exemplify the internal purpose by serving as nutrients for the growth of plants. As plants multiply, they provide food for animals. Also, animals and plants exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. Bees and flowers support each other’s existence. When we observe the heavenly bodies, we see that even as the planets maintain their own rotation, they engage in give-and-receive action with the sun that enables them to revolve around the sun at precise distances. Early in my life, I came to understand this fundamental truth of the universe: all beings exist for the sake of others.
For example, it is by living for the sake of the other in a parent-child relationship that parents and their children can become true parents and true children. Only when parents and children live for the sake of each other do they find happiness; this is an undeniable truth. Living for the sake of others is the fundamental principle of the universe. Only when we stand on this principle can we realize all happiness, all peace, all ideals and all love.
If we expand the principle of living for the sake of others, we can transcend ethnicity and national interests to bring about a world of peoples who live for the sake of each other. Without a doubt, such a world would be the world of perfect true love, true ideals, true peace and true happiness that humanity has long hoped to realize. In that world, people who uphold the principle of living for the sake of others will be able to travel anywhere.
If you have practiced a life of true love and lived for the sake of others while on earth, then when you go to the spirit world you will be able to receive God’s blessings for eternity. This is because God is the central existence in heaven and earth. You will discover that there is no happiness greater than this.
It is vital for you to understand that a person who lives for the sake of others takes the central position in his or her environment, and being central, that person has the capability to foster unity in his or her environment and peace in the world.
Today, there are many religions with many different scriptural texts. Yet their core teachings all boil down to the words, “live for the sake of others.” What are the characteristics of a true religion, a religion of love, ideals and happiness that can lead humankind to peace? You already know the answer: it is a religion that calls people to sacrifice for the sake of the individual, the family, the clan, the society, the nation, the world, for the sake of heaven and earth, and for the sake of God. A religion that teaches this is a true religion, an ideal religion, a religion that can lead the people of the world to peace and happiness.
Peace is based on relationships
Peace is a term that arises in the context of relationships. The same is true of happiness. No one can experience happiness alone. Knowing this, we conclude an individual making efforts to unite with another is the starting point for the happiness of the entire universe. Peace and all ideals begin from and are connected to the point where each of us strives to unite our mind and body internally and unite with others externally.
Nevertheless, human efforts alone will not bring about peaceful ties among people. Why is this? Fallen people seek only their own benefit and they try to use each other for their own purposes. Everyone pursues their own interests and strives to accumulate as many goods as possible. Is this not true of you who are here today? Even successful members of the National Assembly and people who are well respected leaders in their community scramble to increase their power and advance their interests. This is essentially the way people have lived in the world. In these circumstances, created by a world built by people living for their own sake, conflict will never end.
Here, let us observe the structures of our own bodies. Did the eye come into being so that it could live for itself? Was the mouth created for its own sake? No. Each was made to function in partnership with the other organs. Did the ear come into being for its own sake? No, it was created so that it could hear for the sake of the whole body. Was the nose created for the benefit of the nose? Were our hands created just to serve themselves?
By the same token the reproductive organ of a man or woman was not created for the sake of that man or that woman. Rather, the husband’s reproductive organ was created for the sake of his wife and the wife’s for the sake of her husband. In married life this is where peace begins, at the point where each person tries to live for the sake of the other. A person’s body is structured so that it does not just serve his or her own purposes; it is made so that he or she can best live for the sake of his or her spouse and children.
Throughout our lives, my wife and I have worked together in many different areas to bring about one peaceful world, a world in which people live for the sake of others. Representative of these are our supra-religious and supranational activities, our project to bring together the numerous non-governmental organizations, and our educational initiatives between both the ruling and opposition parties. These serve to bring down the barriers of race, religion, nation and language. Another is the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, which promotes movements for true families and pure love.
In the academic field, the University of Bridgeport in the United States and Sun Moon University in Korea educate and apply the philosophy of peace. In the media field I have built The Washington Times in the United States, The Segye Times in Korea, Sekkai Nippo in Japan, and a network of media organs throughout North and South America. This soon will expand to 185 countries and contribute greatly toward bringing the world’s people together.
Sports and world peace
This is a gathering of leaders in the world of soccer. Soccer fever is sweeping Korea and Japan, and the entire world has come together in a festive atmosphere. Ultimately, though, it is only proper that the world of sports represented by the Olympics and the World Cup guide the world’s people toward reconciliation and peace. Occasionally, there is concern about money and power contaminating the pure spirit of athleticism. It is necessary to examine carefully the economics of sports, and whether parties are engaging in unethical speculative or monopolistic practices.
In an effort to contribute toward world peace through sports, I invested some time ago in the development of soccer in Korea by founding the II Hwa professional soccer team. More recendy, I had Sun Moon University begin a soccer team. In Brazil as well, we are managing the CENE and Sorocaba professional soccer teams. My interest in the management of soccer teams is not a matter of business. My first priority is to teach sportsmanship to young people of the university soccer teams, so that they can be trained to join professional teams that ultimately contribute to world peace through sports.
It is well known that soccer began in England. It was developed at Eton College, a school for the sons of aristocrats, where in addition to knowledge physical fitness was considered an important quality for leadership. However, with its emphasis on teamwork, it did not take long for soccer’s popularity to grow beyond the aristocracy and penetrate the wider society.
Even if one player is exceptionally skillful, it is difficult for a team to win unless the other members can back up this individual. The ball is round and can roll this way or that, yet the ball is honest and it rolls where a player kicks it. There is a principle of purposeful community underlying the game of soccer. It is not a game where established powers can use trickery to preserve their position. There is no order according to which teams are allowed to score goals. In soccer, it does not matter whether a country is large or small, strong or weak. Goals are scored honesty, and that brings joy and happiness to everyone. In soccer, there is only the energetic communal harmony that comes from team play.
Soccer and other sports, as well as the entire leisure industry, have developed over a long period of time. Sports were originally supported in order to create strong bodies and maintain safe societies. Today, they have developed to a global scale and bring enjoyment and enrichment to the lives of billions of people. So, it is important that we seek ways by which sports can contribute to achieving peace for all the world’s peoples.
Sports are governed by rules of fair competition The world stands at the dawn of a new millennium. Astonishing developments in information technology are turning the ideal of one world family into a reality. On the other hand, it is also true that the world faces a moral crisis and the danger that spiritual values will be destroyed. We look to sports as an environment that can generate constructive proposals for how to overcome hedonism and self-centered values among young people.
Sports employ rules to insure fair competition. Thus defined, competition differs from conflict; the two exist on different levels. Conflict appears as savage and bloodthirsty behavior that is worse than how animals live. One side uses physical and military strength to negate the other side’s existence and annihilate it. Competition in sports is different from this. Rules are established, the winner is decided in accordance with these rules, and each side acknowledges the other. A respectful spirit governs sports. As multitudes of people watch, the athletes demonstrate fair play and sportsmanship as they compete based on their talents, abilities and strength. They follow the agreed upon rules, and they submit themselves to the fair judgment of the referees.
Fair play is considered the most important aspect of the game. It requires obeying laws and following the rules. Breaking the rules and committing fouls result in the loss of points, expulsion from the game and eventual loss of the privilege of participation. Offending players are punished.
Athletes pour out all their energy, sincerity and courage for the sake of the victory, for both their individual glory and the glory of their country. The victorious players are given a crown of laurels, a gold medal and a bouquet of flowers. They receive thunderous applause, and they hear their national anthem played as their country’s flag is raised. Such a ceremony brings us to the height of emotion; everyone celebrates that they have attained ultimate glory. Even the losers do not dwell on their disappointment, but applaud the accomplishment of the winners. This is the virtue of sports.
Sports bring out a beautiful fragrance of friendship and love among like-minded people. The players display virtue when they demonstrate sportsmanship. They work hard, shed sweat and tears and achieve incredible standards of skill. They are trained in the virtues of fairness, keeping to their proper roles, and good manners.
Athletics and sports make significant contributions to contemporary society. It contributes to our physical and mental health and provides excitement through skillful play. The love of sports transcends religious dogma and political ideology. All people can become one through sports in a banquet of reconciliation and peace, because athletic competition is where the hearts of all the world’s people can come together as one.
Though the Cold War is over, the world is still unable to throw off the yoke of suffering that afflicts us all. As the tragedy of September 11th last year highlighted, the world is in agony over conflict and strife between religious and ethnic groups. Also, the world’s natural environment is being destroyed. Young people, who are supposed to be responsible for the future, have become cynical, enthralled by materialism and hedonism, falling prey to drugs and abandoning the norms of social behavior.
In order to solve these problems, we need to graft the authentic spirit of sports onto the foundation of a truth that teaches us to live for the sake of others. It is to live as God lives. Then we need to put this spirit and truth into practice. This is how we will be able to build a world of harmony, peace and unity.
The Sun Moon Peace Cup is a festival for the community For this reason, I am happy to announce the establishment of the Sun Moon Peace Cup. The Sun Moon Peace Cup is the cup of the sun and the moon, the cup of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the cup of peace. May it shine forever with the light of pure love!
The Sun Moon Peace Cup is different from any existing trophies that exclude God, emphasize entertainment or idolize celebrity. It tells the world to know God and the spirit world thoroughly and walk the path of truth.
The Sun Moon Peace Cup will be a festival. I want it to bring together efforts toward the original world of God’s ideal in the fields of religion, science, politics, economics and sports, including the unique contributions of women and youth. Participants will express their hope for humanity to come together as one large family. It will serve as a particularly important starting point for progress toward the ideal of true peace centering on Gods true love, transcending barriers between races, countries, ethnic groups, religions and ideologies.
The Sun Moon Peace Cup will not only celebrate the healthy spirit of humanity. As our spiritual nature continues to develop, it will become a festival of internal and external reconciliation and harmony among members of the world community. It will be a place where people unite in one mind, as one family, and with one heart, to open the way toward God’s ideal of creation, a world of peace, freedom and happiness.
I want to inform you that Pele has already promised to work with me for this great cause. I would like to ask FIFA, Pele Promotions, and everyone here to take a leading role and contribute significantly toward the development of the Sun Moon Peace Cup.
I pray that God’s love and blessing will flow abundandy upon you and your families.
Thank you.

Let Us Achieve Everlasting Harmony among Religions
July 10, 2003
Yu Gwan-soon Gymnasium, Cheonan, Korea
Address at the Opening Ceremony of the
World Culture and Sports Festival 2003
Respected present and former heads of state, eminent religious leaders, leaders in various fields from countries around the world, young people representing each major religion, ladies and gentlemen:
I sincerely welcome you to the Republic of Korea and the World Culture and Sports Festival 2003. The Korean Peninsula is my homeland. It is also the place where God will finally conclude His providence of restoration, the providence of salvation.
A celebration fully supported by the spirit world Ever since I was a boy, I have had amazing spiritual experiences that enabled me to know God and commune with Jesus and other saints. Through profound spiritual experiences, I learned the depths of God’s Will and heart. I investigated the way of Heaven and the original path of life.
Human life does not end with the death of the physical body on earth. In the heavenly world, that is, the spirit world, live the saints and sages and all our ancestors. They live as spirit selves, a form of human existence of a higher order than the physical body. This world where we dwell with physical bodies is nothing more than a minute speck compared with the fundamental world—the infinite and eternal world that God created for us.
The spirit world is an eternal world. It is the fundamental and essential world. That world is the subject partner to this world of physical reality. I have invested a great deal of sincerity and dedication in the effort to recover principled communion between the earthly world and the spirit world, whose connection was severed by the human Fall. This has been a truly difficult task. It is not possible unless the appropriate conditions are set on earth and in heaven.
Recently, in accordance with God’s Will, I was able to instruct people in the spirit world to work through mediums to send instructive messages to this world. They responded precisely to my instructions, and their messages included reports on the actual situation there as well. Even more amazingly, these messages reported that Moses, Confucius, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad, the representative figures of the five major religions, gathered in one place to declare that God is the Parent of humankind and that I am the Savior and Messiah of humanity. They affirmed that the Unification Principle is a message of peace for human salvation, and that true love and “living for the sake of others,” at a level transcending religion, nationality, and race, will enable humankind to complete the peaceful unity of the cosmos. They further resolved that they would attend the True Parents, and that they would unite in harmony to devote themselves for the sake of God’s kingdom and world peace. This took place in the spirit world at the end of 2001.
The spirit world is the fundamental world. Its position is as the subject partner to the physical world, so whatever happens there is sure to have an impact on earth. More and more spiritual phenomena are taking place. The problems that have beset the spirit world are being resolved at an accelerated rate, and this is also bringing resolution to problems on earth.
Religious reconciliation and cooperation is a prerequisite for world peace
Dear participants, the World Culture and Sports Festival did not start from human thinking alone. Its motivation lies in God’s Will. The spirit world fully supports it and cooperates with it. It is a celebration to offer the champions of love to God. Please know that your good ancestors and ascended religious leaders are sending you their encouragement from the spirit world.
One of religion’s important missions is to teach people properly about the spirit world. If people knew with certainty about God and the spirit world, they would live fulfilled lives by following their divine calling and taking responsibility with conviction and hope.
In the present age, many countries are realizing that they cannot guarantee their national security by themselves. No country is free from international issues such as war, terrorism and the threat of nuclear weapons. World leaders now agree that harmony and cooperation among religions is necessary for the sake of world peace, even more crucially so following September 11, 2001. For the past fifty years, I have warned about the dire threat of conflicts and wars among religions, and finally people are beginning to understand the seriousness of this issue. Reconciliation and cooperation among religions is indeed a prerequisite for world peace. The events of this significant World Culture and Sports Festival are aimed at creating lasting harmony among religions.
Leaders, particularly religious leaders, need to understand the importance of the true love lineage and teach it correctly. God’s Will in creating the first man and first woman as the ancestors of humankind was that they would each mature in true love and realize the ideal partnership as husband and wife, thereby establishing a family focusing on God. In this way, their descendants would have multiplied generation after generation as God’s people.
The first ancestors were unable to receive God’s marriage Blessing and complete the first family that they were supposed to create through it. They fell by making a bond with Satan’s false love, and as a consequence God expelled them from the garden of Eden. What they created was a family that had no relation to God’s true love. Adam and Eve did not become God’s son and daughter of goodness, husband and wife of goodness, and parents of goodness. For this reason, humanity originates from false parents and false ancestors, and multiplies evil descendants by passing on a false lineage.
Our first ancestors were unable to inherit God’s true love, true life and true lineage. Humanity descended from false ancestors, and therefore in order to embrace its destiny it must recover the true family that God desires by practicing true love. True love, true life and true lineage each are essential; however among them true lineage is particularly important, as it transcends the life span of a single person and connects one generation to the next.
You representatives of youth, who have gathered here transcending nations and religions, are the most important participants in this festival. What you possess is truly essential for the creation of a new world of the true love culture of heart. God desires to be with you because you have qualities that are closest to God’s nature, such as vision, passion, innocence, righteousness and bravery. You must utilize your open-mindedness and go beyond the barriers of exclusivity, enmity and conflict to build a firm foundation for religious harmony.
Throughout my life, I have always practiced and taught the breaking down of barriers. We need to go beyond the differences of race, religion and nationality, and live together in harmony. We are all members of one world family under God. This cannot be a mere slogan or rhetoric. We need to live this way. God’s greatest hope is in young university students. We have to transcend any limitation of race, language, religion, country or culture.
Respect the preciousness of your reproductive organ
I would like to present you a truly valuable lesson today. Youth in particular need to clearly understand the value of their reproductive organs and treat them as precious. In their original purity, these organs of love are the center and origin of love, life and lineage. The consummation of love, as well as the conception of new life, is possible only by means of the reproductive organs. Without using them properly, parents cannot pass down their lineage to the next generation. For this reason, the reproductive organ is the most important part of the human body. Unfortunately, in contemporary society there are far too many instances when they are misused.
The current social and cultural environment is beset by the worldwide trend, particularly through movies, music, journalism and the Internet, to mislead people to misuse their reproductive organs. The tide of free sex is ruining countries and breaking apart families; it  is particularly impacting vulnerable young people. This is a tragic reality. It is time for religious leaders and other leaders of conscience to raise their voices loudly in support of morality.
We have to invest ourselves fully in order to recover the preciousness of the family and establish a proper standard of ethics for love relationships between men and women. Here lies the reason for the marriage Blessing ceremony of true love through True Parents, and why a pure love youth movement that transcends nations and religions needs to spread everywhere. For this reason, the Interreligious and International Holy Blessing Ceremony held on July 13 of this year was so significant.
I have been encouraging people to participate in marriage Blessings that transcend nationality, race, culture and religion. I have also been promoting international marriage Blessings between peoples of nations that were formerly enemies, especially between Koreans and Japanese, white and black Americans, Christians and Muslims, and Israelis and Palestinians. If these efforts become popular, imagine how much it will shorten the path towards world peace. By loving our enemies in this way, we demonstrate leadership in the world while tearing down the walls in our minds and becoming God’s dedicated ambassadors for peace who offer true love.
The United Nations ignores the importance of religion and spirituality
Respected world leaders, we have long spoken of the United Nations as essential for peace. The UN’s growth from 51 member states to its current 191 during the past 58 years shows that the conditions and environment within the organization have changed dramatically. The UN accomplished much; however now it faces many challenges both from within and from the outside. There are many limitations and critical issues, such as special privileges within the Security Council, unequal representation between powerful and weak countries, rights to enforce compulsory sanctions and budgetary issues.
Most seriously, the United Nations has ignored the importance of spirituality and religion in its activities, and hence it has become like a body without a conscience. In our pluralistic world the United Nations has become like a body without a head, unable to effectively handle world problems. It has lost any impartiality in analyzing world issues and favors one side over another. If the UN continues down this path, it will not fulfill its founding purposes, and far from developing further, it may well face a crisis that could threaten its existence.
For the past thirty years, I have watched the United Nations with hope and concern to see whether it would become an organization for true world peace. During the past four years I have taken every opportunity to call for the renewal of the UN. My plan for its renewal is to establish an interreligious council as a high-ranking body within its structure. The representatives of the Philippines and the United States, with the support of several other countries, are going to submit a proposal based on my plan for the renewal of the United Nations at the 58th General Assembly in September. I am confident that many countries will cooperate so that the United Nations can become a dynamic organization focused on God to bring about true peace.
In the spirit world, the five great saints, Moses, Confucius, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad, and various other leaders, have resolved to cooperate. Delegates of the interreligious council, selected within the United Nations, will have the opportunity to accomplish the ideals of the founders of their religions. To do so, they will need character and wisdom that exemplifies true love. For this purpose, the religions themselves need to walk steadfastly on the path of altruism. If religions cannot do this, the interreligious council will have no value. Today’s world needs religious leaders who practice true love by going beyond denominationalism, extremism and the self-interest of their own religious group.
Toward realizing a world based on the culture of heart
The following events make up this cultural festival: the international and interreligious marriage Blessing ceremony, The Interreligious Youth Sports Festival, The International Peace Conference, the World Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles Convention, and Service for Peace. Each serves the cause of world peace. I have also built a worldwide foundation in the areas of education and the arts. The Sun Moon Peace King Cup, which had its grand opening on the fifteenth of this month with famous soccer clubs from around the world, also aims to build a peaceful world based on the culture of heart. During the next few days, under the watchful eyes of the spirit world and broadcast throughout this earthly world, we will reveal to the world our vision for peace, our resolve and our leadership. I am confident that we will inspire, create a common bond and plant a message of hope in the hearts of all people.
I pray that God’s blessing be with you, your families and the world.
Determining the Owner of True Love
According to the Absolute Value System of the True Ideal Family
July 23, 2004
Yu Gwan-soon Gymnasium, Cheonan, Korea
Address at the World Culture and Sports Festival 2004
Distinguished guests from 120 nations, leaders of religious, academic, political and civil society, youth participants from the Interreligious Peace Sports Festival, participants of the international marriage Blessing ceremony, students and youth leaders, ladies and gentlemen:
The theme and goal of the World Culture and Sports Festival, which I first proposed in 1988, is to establish a world culture of heart. All people need to come together in harmony and unity centering on God and true love, to create a world of harmonious interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values. The events in this festival are meant to break down man-made walls that would prevent us from realizing these ideals. This is a cultural festival that aims for unity, transcending nation, race, and religion.
This tenth World Culture and Sports Festival is all the more significant because it comes during the providential time in history when the Era after the Coming of Heaven is within reach. In fact, this festival is opening the way for the era of the coming of God’s kingdom. The title of this speech is, “Determining the Owner of True Love According to the Absolute Value System of the True Ideal Family’’ It introduces a portion of the truth that God is giving humanity at this time.
The way to become an owner of love is by living for the sake of others Dear guests, what was God’s purpose in creating human beings? The desire of the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent God was not to live in solitude. Thus, He created the cosmos as a part of the process of creating an environment for His children, and on that foundation, He created men and
women as the object partners of His absolute love.
God created us as His children. His desire was for us, His object partners, to become even better than Himself. Even in this world, parents wish for their children to become better than they are. This is the love of a parental God, which He gives as a blessing.
God’s purpose of creation was to rejoice in seeing His children grow and perfect themselves, receive His marriage Blessing, multiply true children, and create a true, ideal and heavenly world in which to live.
We open the path to becoming an owner of love by practicing true love. This means we invest and sacrifice ourselves completely first for our partner. Before God created human beings, He first established the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience and then invested Himself one hundred percent. Through this, He brought the realm of the object partner into the realm of absolute values. One cannot become an owner of love on one’s own. It is only possible through an object partner.
This love principle of absolute values also pertains to God. Just as parents can never become owners of love without children, for God to stand in the position of the owner of absolute love He must create His children, who stand as God’s object partners. In this way, God and His children form a realm replete with the values of absolute love. Perfection is reached when the subject partner values the object partner absolutely, and vice-versa.
People think that the weak are sacrificed and exploited for the sake of the strong, but when we observe the order of the universe, we can see that it is not true. The theory of the survival of the fittest and the law of the jungle are fundamentally wrong. Those who believe in this theory overlook the absolute importance of human beings working toward their perfection as owners of love. They should stand as the lords of all by living for the sake of others, investing true love in their object partners and forgetting that they ever invested. Their object partners, in turn, are meant to respond with absolute obedience to the same principle. If true love is excluded from this formula, only the concept of struggle remains. God’s principle of creating is not that existence and development occur through struggle. Rather, He seeks harmony and unity leading to the emergence of absolute values through a mutual process of giving and receiving among entities in the relationship of subject partner and object partners.
An individual may be sacrificed for the sake of the greater good; however we must not perceive this as struggle. It must be seen as an investment for the sake of mutual development. Can we indeed define the act of an individual willingly sacrificing him or herself for his or her family, or the family willingly sacrificing itself for the nation, or the nation for the world, as struggle? Rather it is the way to form the realm of absolute values for the sake of bringing about the full realization of true love, where each strives to first set up the other in a position of an owner of true love.
Thus, we must uproot our self-centered and individualistic mind-set and the behavior that stems from it. This is the root of fallen nature and the cause of evil. This can be said not only of self-centered behavior on the individual level, but also of selfish behavior of collectives in society. Self-centeredness is directly contrary to the spirit of true love’s system of absolute values. Instead of sacrificing and living for the sake of others, self-centered people call for others to sacrifice for them. Self-centeredness causes people to be more concerned with their own interests than with the well being of others.
Self-centeredness was insidiously injected into humankind through the Fall. It induced the struggle between mind and body. Satan planted this poison mushroom in the human heart. Although embracing self-centeredness may result in a person appearing beautiful and gaining worldly fame and earthly comforts, it is a trap that once sprung will lead its victim to addiction and a life of suffering that is difficult to escape.
All beings exist for the sake of other beings
Let us think about the concepts of “front” and “back.” When we say “front,” we acknowledge as a pre-existing condition the concept, “back.” “Above” can only exist when there is a “below” and “left” presupposes “right.”
In the same vein, male denotes the prior existence of female. In other words, men were born for the sake of women, and women were born for the sake of men. Without men, there is no need for women, and without women, men cannot retain the value of their existence.
In the end, nothing is born for its own sake. All beings exist and act for the sake of their partner. This means that we were created to live in an ideal homeland within the context of relationships of mutual concern for one another.
Let us think about our five sensory organs. Did your eyes come into being for the sake of looking at themselves? Our eyes, nose, ears, mouth and hands all were created for others. What is the force that mobilizes our five sensory organs to sustain our lives and maintain our activities? It is the force that aims to perfect the values of true love. Therefore, our five sensory organs are simply tools that came into existence for the sake of practicing true love.
In this way, nothing exists for its own sake. A life of living for the sake of others, giving and sacrificing out of love, and perfecting a life of love through surrendering to your partner, is a life that satisfies God’s ideal of creation. You were created for the sake of your partner. Therefore, the law of nature calls you to live for others more than for yourself. This is where the absolute values of true love emerge.
Your reproductive organ is the borderline between heaven and hell
Dear guests, do you know where to find the dividing line between heaven and hell? Is it in the air? Is it in a cathedral? Is it on a border between nations? No, the dividing line between heaven and hell can be found in your body; it is your reproductive organ. The selfish use of human sexuality caused the greatest tragedy in human history; that tragedy turned heaven and earth upside down.
If you recklessly use your reproductive organ without regard for the consequences of your actions, you will surely go to hell. On the other hand, if you use it in accordance with the standard of God’s absolute love, you will go to heaven. Who can deny this fact? If you doubt this, I ask you to carefully read the Divine Principle, which contains the heavenly laws that I revealed. If you are still in doubt, I sincerely ask that you pray to God. I’m sure that your prayer will be answered.
Tens of thousands of young people in the world who have accepted my teachings have ceased engaging in free sex. The message of the pure love movement, which advocates “absolute sex,” or “absolute true love,” is now spreading like wildfire.
If free sex is false love centered on selfish desires and Satan, then absolute sex is absolute love centered on God. Many literary works and stories in the press have the tendency to fan the fires of free sex, a disease that cripples individuals and nations. However, now leaders of all spheres of life, including politicians, economists, philosophers, journalists, religious leaders and writers will stand together in a resistance movement against free sex.
The cornerstone of world peace was supposed to have been within Adam’s family, which was to have brought forth the absolute values of true love. It was also Adam’s family that could destroy the path to world peace. Thus, we must bear in mind the importance of Adam’s family, the ancestral family of humanity.
The reason I brought an end to our “church” and established the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is because the time had come to focus on the family. How can we transform this hellish world? The practice of true love is the only way to bring forth absolute values. The attributes of God, the owner of true love, are based on eternal, unchanging, unique and absolute standards; hence, we need to inherit these attributes and live according to those standards.
The cornerstone of world peace is the family that follows the absolute value system of true love
Dear guests, why is the family a good thing? It is because the love of our parents should be the basis of our original freedom, and hence the family should be the basis for activities founded on our original freedom. Even though they may be shabby in appearance, when a family becomes an original family— a family untainted by the Fall consisting of people bound in heart with true love at the core, it will be able to liberate humanity and even God.
Freedom without love is not true freedom. If you feel restrained when you go to someone’s house as a guest, it means you lack a deep bond of love with that household. In other words, because your love does not spread out in all directions you feel awkward and restrained.
What is the highest and greatest value in the original, unfallen family? It is the original parents. Why are the original parents good? The original parents are the owners of eternal love. The original parents are the ones who stand closest to us; our relationship with them lasts throughout our lives and beyond.
In the original family, after birth, the first partner with whom we would relate to in joy is our parents. Thus the original parents are both the subject partners and object partners of our joy. When we are happy, original parents are the first to be happy for us. When we are sad, they are the first to shed tears of sorrow. That is why we are sympathetic to children who do not have parents.
The next most valuable being in the family is one’s beloved husband or wife. Husbands and wives have to be able to give and receive original love that is unconditional. Their love may not have started within a relationship that is absolute and eternal in nature, but based on the absolute bond of marriage, their conjugal love can grow into original love. Then it will become the basis of the family’s eternal happiness and joy.
However if this ideal, original relationship between husband and wife stops there, existing only between the couple, then it will not bring eternal happiness and joy that can hold absolute value. That is to say, the couple needs to have children. If a couple decides not to have children, thinking that they will live in happiness being childless, you will see the result. Humankind would die out before the second generation. Couples need to receive the love that their original children give them; then they can become true couples that rise up to the position of original parents.
Therefore, the next most valuable and important thing is the love of children toward their original parents. The pure and genuine love of children is to sacrifice for and love their original parents with brightness and positivity. Even when circumstances are not ideal, children do not despair but hope for a brighter future. Such love has value because it exists for the sake of the family’s happiness.
An original family extends over three generations, completely imbued with the sacrificial, original love of original parents toward their children, the true love between the original couple and the true love of original children toward their parents. That family will become the most ideal true family in the world.
The three-generation family is the starting point of true happiness What kind of person do we call happy? What standard do we use to measure happiness? Can someone be happy solely by virtue of an external talent or authority that no other person has? Can a person be happy just because he or she has tremendous wealth that everyone envies? Is happiness obtained by becoming a world-renowned scholar? That is absolutely not the case.
No external condition alone can guarantee a person’s happiness for eternity. It may prompt one’s search for greater happiness, yet it cannot become the source of lasting happiness itself. In the end, genuine happiness comes from a family that has loving parents, a couple who are one in true love, and children who are devoted and faithful to their parents.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, humanity will now witness a great revolution of true love, taking place on the Korean peninsula. People have struggled under the false love of Satan for thousands of years. Now, by establishing the absolute values of true family and ridding this land of all sorts of false values, they will shout for joy.
To make a clapping sound, two hands must come together. Heaven has already opened the gates of the Era after the Coming of Heaven on the foundation of our victories as the True Parents. Your responsibility is to become absolute object partners before God, the Subject Partner, and open the way for the age when we will create a new heaven and a new earth.
This is an historic age, when spirit world and physical world are uniting as one. It is the age for establishing Cheon II Guk, the Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unity, the peace kingdom on earth and in heaven that God envisioned from the beginning of time.
The time has come for intellectuals the world over to receive my teachings. I, Reverend Moon, have served God as the vertical axis of humanity and upheld my mission as the horizontal True Parent. I have carried out this mission throughout my 85 years of life, consistently sacrificing and serving in order to discover and to establish a true person, a true couple, true parents, true families and the true world. I ask all of you to join me in completing this historical task for the sake of God.
May God bless your families to reach these ideals.
Thank you very much.
The True Revolution of Heart and
the Opening of the Era of True
Liberation and Complete Freedom
July 26,2004
Little Angels Performing Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
Address at the Congratulatory Banquet of the
World Culture and Sports Festival 2004
Distinguished present and former heads of state, ladies and gentlemen:
Please join me with grateful hearts to return the glory of the accomplish-
ments and success of the World Culture and Sports Festival 2004 to God.

When we look at the world today, we see it is lost in chaos and despair. The sight of people lost and directionless truly pains our hearts. No in the world has come up with a solution that has gained any sort of consensus for resolving this present state of affairs. The world, with its more than six billion people is on the verge of a shipwreck.
In the Bible it is written, “For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake shall find it.” (Matt. 16:25) As I mentioned at the opening ceremony of our festival a few days ago, it is impossible to establish a world of peace for all human beings on the basis of human effort alone. It can only be done with heavenly fortune.
Tomorrow you will depart for your homes. The gift that I wish to give you tonight is the gift of heavenly fortune in the form of the Word of God. This is a great blessing, yet it is also a warning from Heaven. It is a blessing for us as we enter the new millennium in this era of the kingdom of heaven. Heaven will give new life to whoever loses their life because they live by these words. Whoever ignores these words will inevitably perish. I ask you to please give your full attention to what I am about to say. Please do not forget that God is calling each of you at this extraordinary time.
Dear guests, when we look at the present time from the viewpoint of history and from the viewpoint of God’s providence over the ages, it is evident that we live in an era of tremendous significance. God has brought the Era before the Coming of Heaven to a close and has ushered in the Era after the Coming of Heaven. God is busily guiding the dispensation with the heart to give each day the value of a thousand years. To awaken you to the heart of God, and to help you clearly understand your position today from the providential point of view, I would like to speak on “The True Revolution of Heart and the Opening of the Era of True Liberation and Complete Freedom.”
The dream of fallen human beings is to meet the Messiah To fallen human beings, God stands in the position of the Teacher of all teachers, the Parent of all parents, and the King of all kings. God is an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent being. God is the origin and root of true love and is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal.
Today the hope of fallen people is to meet the True Son of God. This means the True Son on the individual level, the family level, the tribal level, the level of the people, and the level of the nation. To make this possible, humanity had to go through a course of hardships and difficulties. Once they established the foundation of a nation, God sent the Messiah, who is God’s True Son.
The day of the Messiah’s advent is the very day the Messiah is found, because the Messiah is in the position of having restored the Son on all levels, individual, family, tribe, race and nation. As descendants of the Fall, we need to free ourselves from the realm of Satan’s accusation enough to meet the Son of God. When we meet him, we find the family that has formed around the Parents whom God loves. This family is the foundation for us to find God’s love for the first time and ultimately to meet God directly.
Accordingly, only the perfected Adam, the True Father, can create a relationship centering on God’s love. However, a father alone cannot become a parent. He needs to find his true partner. That partner is to be a true woman, a woman with an absolute standard. Christianity ministered in the capacity of the bride, representing womanhood on the world level. The central mission of Christianity was that of the bride that receives the Lord of the Second Advent and Messiah.
However, the True Parents consist of just one man and one woman. There can be only one man and only one woman. This is absolute. There cannot be two. Accordingly, one man and one woman meet to become the True Parents. The True Parents are a genuine ideal couple centered on God’s ideal of creation.
Consequently, the True Parents are the unifying center from the individual to the world and cosmos; they can be engrafted onto all levels, from the individual, to the family, tribe, race, nation and world. I have been preparing for this task throughout my entire life.
The essential condition for human beings to go in the direction of heaven, after determining the goal of restoration, is to pass through the gate of the True Parents. Unless we pass through the gate of True Parents, we cannot connect to God’s heart.
The world today has become one in which tribes are unable to connect in heart with one another, religions are challenged to connect in heart with one another, and families find it difficult to connect in heart with one another. To break down the prison walls that enclose us on all four sides, we need to connect with God’s heart. Who indeed will take on this task? Only the True Parents, who come as the true mediators of Heaven, can do so. It has been God’s hope and humankind’s dream to find the True Parents that were lost in the beginning.
Ladies and gentlemen, the first ancestors, Adam and Eve, were supposed to have become the true ancestors of humanity. They were to have been the True Parents of humankind, whom God had sincerely longed to see. The human race was meant to descend from the lineage of those True Parents. The True Parents of humankind were supposed to have appeared at the beginning of history as the glorious incarnations of God, eternally victorious in front of all human beings to come.
It is precisely here that we discover the essence of Adam and Eve’s loss. We know very well that it has been the cause of our sad history and its bitter pain. Due to the Fall, human beings fell away from the laws of Heaven, lost their original selves, and were degraded to an evil race that trampled on the heart of God. Consequently, all people ever since have needed to rediscover their original selves through the word of God and struggle through the course of restoration in search of the true world of the heart.
Due to the Fall, people fell to a position below that of the things of creation. God could not freely relate to people in that sad position. Since they could not restore themselves from that position on their own, God had to awaken people and work to re-create them. God’s work to restore people has taken them from the position of a servant of servant, to a servant, from there to the position of an adopted child and an illegitimate child to a true child, and from there to the position of a true couple and finally to the position of true parents who have victorious dominion. This is the tremendous secret that has been hidden behind God’s providence through the six thousand years of biblical history.
All humankind must engraft onto God’s heart through the True Parents
From God’s point of view, this is a fallen world. In relation to God, there were no sons and daughters of filial piety, no patriots, saints or divine sons and daughters. God desires to save humankind, yet people lived below the realm of the Fall and God could not have anything to do with the Fall and its realm. Thus, God waited for the day the Messiah, as the perfected Adam and perfected Eve, who stand in a position above that of fallen Adam and Eve, could establish their family and become the True Parents. Only on the foundation of that family can true children appear. In a nation based on that family, true patriots can emerge. When their foundation expands to the world level, true saints will come forth one after another. When expanded to the cosmic level, divine sons and daughters will appear. The representatives of Heaven, Heaven’s heirs, will appear only on the basis of the True Family.
Originally the words “parents and children” denoted the first parents and their sons and daughters. They were meant to create a family and a nation. Although they could not do so, still all people yearn for a world of peace. Yet, a world of peace could not be realized, even through the advanced secular institutions and the high level of culture in today’s developed nations. The only way is through the culture of true love that is taught by the True Parents. Even if the True Parents appear with a straw mat carrying a bag of tattered rags, wearing discolored clothing and in total exhaustion after emerging from a bottomless pit, fallen people have no other choice except to engraft to the heart of God through those True Parents.
How deeply should fallen human beings be engrafted to God’s heart? They need to be born again through the womb of True Mother after first establishing the condition of engrafting to True Father’s body. Once we are reborn, we have to live with the absolute standard of attendance to True Parents. However, it does not end there. Fallen people need to expand the condition by building relationships with their close relatives and with members of their clans and communities. Further they have to set the condition of building relationships of heart with their people and nation, the world, the cosmos and ultimately God. Then God will say, “You are my son!” or “You are my daughter!’*Those who establish relationships based primarily on self-interest have nothing to do with God.
Ladies and gentlemen, God conceived the term “true parents” in His mind before the creation. All the ideals connected to God’s creation began from the ideal of true love, which originates from true parents. Thus, even before the creation the term “true parents” inspired hope, hope that God treasured. Countless people throughout the course of God’s providence lost their lives before God could send the True Parents.
God established and worked through various religions at appropriate times in the course of this providence. Thus among religions there are different levels and types: religions on the level of angels, Cain-type, Abel-type, adopted son-type, illegitimate son-type, foster parents-type, on the level of True Mother and on the level of True Father.
When we look at the history of Christianity, we see that if Abel-type Protestantism and Cain-type Catholicism had cooperated, they could have brought together all religious spheres that were independendy working for the sake of the salvation of humanity. Once they had spread throughout the various cultural spheres and areas of the world, they would have brought about a unity that would have been in accordance with God’s overall Will. Christianity was supposed to have then established one nation and one world, that is, a world of peace. That is because Christianity was supposed to be the mainstream, which would have brought all religions together.
Vertical and horizontal True Parents
God is the vertical True Parent. How wonderful it would be if God, the vertical Parent, could produce children in the spirit world. However, having children in the spiritual realm is impossible. That is why God created Adam and Eve horizontally in the position of the True Parents of human beings. He created them as a “production line” to generate the citizens of the heavenly kingdom. A vertical line has only one focal point. Consequently, it cannot engage in reproduction, which requires three dimensions. The area needed for reproduction is created only when the vertical line meets horizontal lines, thus creating the dimension of space.
God does not give birth to babies, parents do. Accordingly, God is the vertical True Parent of humankind and Reverend and Mrs. Moon stand in the position of the horizontal True Parents of humankind with a ninety- degree angle to the vertical. The True Parents together represent the long-awaited Savior, Messiah and Lord of the Second Advent. Their teachings fulfill the purpose of religion. When we find and attend the vertical True Parent and horizontal True Parents, and have children of true love, what else could there be?
True Parents” denote the Savior, Messiah and Lord of the Second Advent. That is why in the spirit world, the representatives of the five great religions, the saints and sages, and even the people considered the most evil in history such as Stalin and Hitler, have now proclaimed that Reverend Moon is the Savior of humankind, the Messiah, the Lord of the Second Advent and the True Parent. They have been sending a series of resolutions from the spirit world declaring their resolve to devote their lives to the practice of my teachings.
The love of these two parents is absolutely necessary for creating new life. One parent is our Heavenly Father, the Lord of Creation, who is the vertical and invisible True Parent. The second parent is the horizontal True Parents, who have appeared on earth in substantial bodies to establish God’s ideal of creation. God stands as the True Parent in the position of the mind, and the horizontal True Parents stand in the position of the body.
Although human beings are descended from the Fall, we were created originally with a dual structure, so that we can resemble the Original Parents and freely convey and enjoy vertical and horizontal love. Our mind, or heart, is our vertical self. To this day people live in distress because they do not have a correct understanding of the mind. Buddhism and Confucianism have struggled to clarify the identity of the mind and heart, however it is impossible to understand the heart without correctly understanding the identity of God.
My teachings clearly explain the identity of the mind and heart. In God’s ideal of creation, a persons mind and heart resides on the vertical true love axis and can position itself by relating with true love on the horizontal plane.
God’s true love connects the front and back, increasing in intensity to establish the spherical and three-dimensional ideal. In this way, the mind and heart is never exhausted no matter what direction it moves. It is always ready to activate its force. Also, that which it dislikes, or which is wrong, has no room to enter.
There is no contradiction whatsoever. The vertical self and the horizontal self become one centering on God’s true love. The reason your heart even now is in a state of conflict and contradiction is because, due to the Fall, the vertical and horizontal lines do not intersect at the ninety-degree angle necessary for true love to take root. Put simply, without God’s true love, the complete unity of the mind and body can never come about.
Regarding the issue of ownership, all things originally belonged to human beings. Mind-body unity creates a realm of original ownership that is centered on God’s love. This is totally opposed to the sphere of Satan’s accusation from the Fall. Heaven will allow you to take ownership again only after God advances to the position where He can declare ownership based on the absolute standard. In other words, you have to completely offer all that you own to God and receive His affirmation. Then you can receive ownership from heaven through the True Parents on earth. Because of this heavenly law, I have refrained from selling anything that I bought, even though it often meant financial hardship. Without the proper procedures for disposal through the True Parents, nothing is to be sold.
Ladies and gentlemen, you are not just isolated individuals. Live with the conviction that you are the central point representing the entire world. If you do, you can realize that ideal. Actually, everyone should live with that kind of conviction. The children represent the parents and the parents represent the family. Further, because you stand on the solid foundation of my victory on the world level, it is only logical that all of you should inherit my heart and become my representatives.
Loving nature as your friend
Your efforts and endeavors are acts of creation. Live your life with love, and you can work all your life with joy and feel no fatigue. Live your life with love, and you will seek a way to experience the world of God’s true love and give comfort to God.
Try to live with the mindset that the things created by God are souvenirs from heaven. Then everything becomes a hobby. If you do, then all directions: north, south, east and west, front and back, left and right, will open up to you. Because I have this mindset, I love nature. I have spent time in nature throughout my life and made nature my friend. I have travelled all the five oceans and the six continents.
All of you should go to every river and mountain and live there. All of you ought to be like me and seek out nature with God’s love and make it your friend. All of you should live with the heart that you will liberate nature, which still dwells in the realm of lamentation without an owner. Thus we see the necessity for the Unification movement’s Sansuwon mountain-hiking program. It is a wise way to escape from the patterns of urban life that render us captive to its corrupt culture and enslave us to an individualistic, self-centered life. The urban life style pollutes the environment in many ways and even obstructs the emotional development of our children.
Becoming the sons and daughters of God and True Parents
Unfortunately, due to the Fall, the first ancestors, Adam and Eve, did not establish the true family that had been God’s aim for the creation. In the garden of Eden, Eve fell to the temptation of the archangel, whose action was like that of a snake, and Adam did not overcome Eve’s temptation either. Thus self-centered, false love was implanted in this world. The sin and misfortune of human beings is a result of the first human ancestors’ illicit love, which originated from Satan.
God’s providence of restoration has aimed to remove the walls of conflict that divide people’s mind and body, to restore the true family, and to enlarge the global domain of true love and goodness. Early in my life, I delved into this truth and learned the secrets of heaven. Since then, for more than half a century, I have continually revealed this truth to Christians, to people of all religions, and to all of humankind. Without this truth there is no way to unite the hundreds of different Christian denominations, other religions, and humanity as a whole.
What has been God’s anguish? God has not only been weeping for the people who suffer in this world. God’s deepest anguish is that He has not been able to shed tears of joy from the depths of His heart for His victorious Son. God has longed for that day. God’s anguish had persisted throughout history because there was no one whom God could affirm as His victorious Son. God could find no one who wept uncontrollably for Him, knowing that He has been wandering through the back streets of history in search of His lost sons and daughters.
Humankind has now entered a new era, the era of the kingdom of heaven. We must allow God to perfect Himself centering on true love. This does not mean there is an imperfect part of God. It means that human beings must embody absolute values and become perfect object partners to God, who is the perfect Subject Partner. Our responsibility is to emulate the True Parents, who already stand in that position, and become the owners of true love in ideal families. Then God, in the absolute position, can establish us as His absolute partners. This is how we can liberate God. Centering on God as the subject partner, I made myself into a minus and attained complete unity with God. In the same way, when the relationship between True Parents and you is that of a substantial plus and minus, you can freely reach the point of unity with God.
Thus, you are not just the sons and daughters of your natural parents. You have to first proclaim that you are the sons and daughters of God. Even though you may be unworthy now to call yourself God’s son or daughter, you need to have confidence in conditionally having become the sons and daughters of True Parents after receiving the marriage Blessing from them. You were born from the wrong root, so you need to sever your connection to that root, cut away the branches, engraft to the true lineage of True Parents and sprout new buds. That is the shortcut for you to liberate God.
Even if you say you have become a family of loyal patriots, without a true nation it is of no use. Without a true nation, a patriot has no basis upon which to establish him or herself in history. It is through becoming true families that you can restore your nation, and through making true nations that you can restore the world, and through making a true world that you can restore the cosmos. When you accomplish this, you and your family will have the value of owners of the cosmos.
The meaning of Ahn Shi II and the Era after the Coming of Heaven
Ladies and gentlemen, as we enter the Era after the Coming of Heaven, we are establishing a new, true culture based on heavenly tradition. For example, I designated and declared Ahn Shi II on April 18,2004, in accordance with Heaven’s decree. We have already observed this day eleven times, and July 16 was the eightieth day since the first observance of Ahn Shi II on April 27. The number eighty comes from the numbers eight, the number of a new beginning, and the number ten, which is the number of returning and the number of perfection. This day has profound providential significance. Originally, God’s victory and the Era of after the Coming of Heaven would have been declared and borne fruit when I was eighty years of age. Yet, it was completed and declared after a prolongation of five years.
You have become the owners of Cheon II Guk, have participated in this providential event and have inherited God’s heart. You have come here to receive new wine, and you should keep it in a new wineskin. You have come a long distance to get to this place, to directly observe the unfolding of the providence of the True Parents, who have walked this lonely path day and night for some eighty years, and to become the soldiers who will advance the establishment of the peace kingdom.
You came here to receive Heaven’s decree, and now you have it; you must find and establish Cheon II Guk within your families by offering your entire being to Heaven. Do not dwell on past customs and habits from the Era before the Coming of Heaven. This destiny is Heaven’s decree, and it must be obeyed. You must carry it out, regarding it as absolute, by offering yourself as a living sacrifice to God before you die.
Dear guests, the time has come to be free from the Fall and stand firmly resolved to obey Heaven’s call. As at the Exodus, humankind has now entered an unprecedented age of true liberation and complete freedom, the Era after the Coming of Heaven. I am sure you all know about how human history has been stained with the false and evil love that came from the original sin of Adam and Eve. A twenty-first century exodus is now unfolding through all of you. The time has come to free yourselves, as the Israelites did, from all ties to the corrupt and foul world of today.
I have accepted my destiny to be the True Parent of humankind, and in this year, the fourth year of Cheon II Guk, I have been working with firm resolution to fulfill the providence of Heaven with victory and glory. On March 23 of this year, at a United States Senate building on Capitol Hill, I was honored as the “King of World Peace” in a ceremony attended by United States legislators and distinguished world religious leaders. Heaven has decreed that a world of peace for all six billion people on earth is possible only when all religions and ideologies are united in harmony within the realm of true love, with True Parents as the axis. I have invested all of my energy to uphold this solemn decree and realize it.
With the designation and declaration of Ahn Shi II, God no longer rests only on Sunday, which comes once every seven days. I have put aside the seven-day period and designated the eighth day as Ahn Shi II. Having become the heavenly True Parent, God now stands in a position of glory, where He can rejoice and be attended at all times, from the spirit world and also from all people and things of creation in the physical world. Now the path has opened up for the entire spirit world to mobilize and cooperate with the physical world.
On the second Ahn Shi II, May 5, 2004, I designated and declared the historic day of the Day of the Victory of the Number Ten Combining Two Halves (Ssang Hab Shib Seung II). The providence of God ushered in the number ten, the number of returning and the number of perfection, and opened the global gate to the realm of the victory of the number ten, that brings the providence to a conclusion. Yet my declaration and celebration of the perfection of the realm of “the victory of the number ten combining two halves,” which brings in the Era after the Coming of Heaven, does not mean that it was automatically established. The realm of the victory of the number ten combining two halves signifies the perfection of the true realm of heart. It calls you to enter into the realm of unity with God’s heart, which is now possible, and advance to the position to receive Heaven’s authorization, so that God can declare, “You are my son!” or “You are my daughter!”
This led to my declaration, “The harmony and unity of true love is the absolute value of a true, ideal family” on the third Ahn Shi II, May 21,2004. When the practice of true love becomes our lifestyle, we can achieve harmony and unity in the individual, family, nation and world, and from there we can create the absolute value of a true ideal family.
When we observe God’s creation of human beings, we can see that when He was creating them, God, who is the absolute Subject Partner, was asking human beings to become His absolute partners. However, due to the Fall, this decree of Heaven was not carried out. People descended into blindness, holding on to relative values and even unable to conceive of absolute values.
Now the 85-year life of the True Parent is vividly manifested before you; it serves to guide you. I am clearly showing what a life of true love is like. Who can say otherwise when they see the model lives of the True Parents, who have given and given, forgiven and forgiven, and loved their enemies? You must realize that it is your destiny to walk this path of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. If you are resolved to practice and complete the three great revolutions, the revolution through indemnity, the revolution of conscience and the revolution of heart, in your daily life and become heavenly soldiers, you can open the gates that lead to the era of true liberation and freedom from sin.
When you leave today, I hope that you make good use of the gift of the heavenly fortune that I have given you. This will become the eternal tradition and family heirloom that your family will treasure for generations to come.
May God’s blessings be with every one of you. I pray that you will return home safely.
Thank you.
God Is Our True Parent,
True Teacher and True King
April 27, 2005
Cheonghae Garden, Yeosu, Korea
Address at the Rally to Attend the Root Ancestor, the King of Peace
Distinguished guests from around the world, ambassadors for peace, representatives from non-governmental organizations, leaders of the Mongolian People’s Federation for World Peace, beloved blessed families, ladies and gentlemen:
My heart swells to see you all here in the scenic Republic of Korea on this spring day.
As you all know, my life of eighty-plus years has been a path of indescribable persecution and tribulation. I began my mission at the young age of sixteen after receiving Heaven’s call and mandate. Since then, for the past seventy years, I have walked a thorny path, often risking my life in my battles against Satan.
The true root is God’s true love
People had no way of knowing that God, the Creator and Owner of heaven and earth, is our True Parent. Endlessly adrift in a swamp of falsehood and slavery, they did not know the means of escape. This is due to the Fall of the first ancestors, Adam and Eve. As a result, human beings became as orphans in an alien land. Generations have come and gone as people trapped under the deception of Satan, the false parent. We must look closely at the world today and recognize that we have been confined for thousands of years under a false lineage and layer upon layer of lies.
For thousands of years, people have lived as false olive trees. As such, they have lost the ability even to distinguish between a false olive tree and true olive tree. The planet Earth remains a realm of hell, covered by an infestation of six billion false olive trees. These are the offspring of Satan’s defiled lineage. I set out on my path after receiving Heaven’s seal as the only true olive tree, and I have followed my path for the past seventy years of my life.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus appeared on earth with the mission of the true olive tree. However, as we know all too well, Jesus could not produce even one blessed fruit of the true olive tree during his life; instead he was put to death. This was due to the disbelief of the religious leaders of that day, who did not fully understand Heaven’s Will in choosing and sending Jesus. It was also due to the mistake of Israel’s political class, which focused only on its own struggle for power. Consequently, for another two thousand long years following the death of Jesus, God again laid the foundation to plant the true olive tree, to safely nurture it and enable its flowers to bloom so that it could bear fruit.
I just said that six billion false olive trees cover the earth. You can watch a false olive tree for tens of thousands of years, and it will still be a false olive tree. There is no miracle by which it can mutate into a true olive tree. It has a different root. Thus, people who belong to Satan’s lineage, to that of the false olive tree, cannot convert to the true lineage of Heaven just because they wish to. They are in need of the true olive tree, which comes from Heaven with the root and substance of the true lineage.
For engrafting to take place, a false olive tree must be completely cut off at the stump. If even one branch remains, it would lose its qualification to be reborn as a true olive tree. A scion from the true olive tree should only be engrafted onto a clean base that has no remnant of the false olive tree. Then the formerly false olive tree can bring forth the fruit of a true olive tree.
Accordingly, for you who had no choice but to live as false olive trees, the situation is as plain as can be. Above all you must first seek the true root. Where can this root be found? Can it be found through modern science, which today continuously develops at a speed beyond our imagination? Can it be found through extensive reading of philosophy, which has a proud tradition of several thousands of years and has developed new ideas until the present? If not, can it be found through the doctrines of the great world religions that huge populations legitimate as true? To state it simply, finding the true root requires that we transcend science, philosophy, religion and even the cosmos.
The ones who come as Heaven’s true olive tree are the True Parents, who bring rebirth to you all. Heavenly law dictates that a person receives life through his or her parents. The True Parents come to the earth with the heavenly root of true love, true life and true lineage. Human beings were born rooted in the false love of Satan. The True Parents have the mission of decisively severing human beings from that root, so that they can take root as sprouts of true love.
The true olive tree that humankind is seeking grows from the root of God’s true love. This root can only emerge through the True Parents. Therefore, the work of the Association for the Discovery of Our Original Roots can advance a providential revolution of true love. It can reach beyond the world and cosmos in seeking God by engrafting to the True Parents, who stand as the King and Queen of Peace.
Engrafting through the Blessing of marriage
Dear guests, how can scions from the root of God’s true love be engrafted to fallen human beings who are false olive trees? Even a false olive tree will perish if it is completely uprooted. Engrafting cannot take place onto a dead root. The question is whether your root is from a true seed or a false seed. Since you are descendants of the Fall, Satan’s false blood flows through you, without exception. Hence, you must make it your goal, and strive for it at the risk of your life, to receive the marriage Blessing from the True Parents, who come with the root of Heaven’s true seed. Your goal needs to be to receive the true root, that is, true love, true life and true lineage.
This is why the purpose of the providential history of salvation has been to find that true couple. Only they can begin the movement to re-create human beings by eradicating Satan’s false blood and bestowing the true lineage of Heaven. Only through them can you be reborn as Heaven’s true child.
You who receive the true lineage and begin your lives as true olive trees have the duty to establish families belonging to the true root. You have to make the True Parents your central axis, so that Satan’s false root can never touch your true trees. You must then establish the Korean people, a homogeneous people characterized by the Mongolian birthmark, as the eldest son people of humankind.
The new seed of the new lineage that you have received will unite the earth. You need to preserve the true lineage that you have inherited through the marriage Blessing, and use your God-given creativity to establish a realm of three generations—grandparents, parents and children—within your families.
Also, you need to offer to Heaven all your possessions, which you accumulated within Satan’s world. Then you can receive the new right of possession from Heaven. Next, you need to inherit God’s realm of heart, which is the essence of this true root, and on that basis, establish the practice of true love as your life’s tradition. That is how you can liberate and release the historical bitter resentment between Cain and Abel.
Distinguished guests, the time has now come for you to make a strong resolution for a new beginning. Heavenly fortune dwells within your nation and people. This is not due to your success. Neither is it because the Republic of Korea is special. Rather, it is because the True Parents of humankind, raised by God, began the providence of passing on the true lineage starting with the Korean people. We all need to applaud God and True Parents with sincere gratitude for bestowing the true root upon us, who otherwise were destined to live forever as false olive trees.
It is time to cast aside the old habits and layers of vanity you had as false olive trees in the Era before the Coming of Heaven. Become the elite of Heaven who practice a life of true love by living for the sake of others. As true olive trees belonging to the Era after the Coming of Heaven, this must be your way of life. Your family must establish the root tradition of the true parent, true teacher and true king as its own tradition, and never allow it to wither away.
Dear guests, soon the time will come when nations will be registered into God’s kingdom of Cheon II Guk. The time is coming when all religions will take down their signboards and join the ranks of the kingdom. Tens of thousands of clans and tribes worldwide will join in harmony as a single race characterized by the Mongolian birthmark.
Your many good ancestors in the spirit world are anxiously waiting to receive grafts from the true olive tree through you. Regardless of how good they were when they lived on earth, your ancestors entered the spirit world as false olive trees. They are floating about like duckweed, unable to take root in that world. This means that unless your family receives the Blessing, your ancestors will remain trapped in circumstances that prevent them from taking root. When you uphold the true lineage, the true root, you can become the eyes of Heaven. Then you will be the bridge that your ancestors can have faith in and depend on, the bridge that enables them to cross over. This is the priceless value of the marriage Blessing that you receive from the True Parents. It is a blessing of infinite value, which addresses the eternal life of your clan today and also the life of your ancestors and your descendants.
Dear guests, at the beginning of this year, the fifth year of the kingdom of Cheon II Guk, I was nominated, crowned and enthroned as the King of Peace and Cosmic Unity on the supra-religious and supranational level, and I proclaimed it throughout heaven and earth. From this time forth, the world will rapidly change according to Heaven’s initiative. Trumpet calls signaling the transformation of the world and creation of a new heaven and a new earth are spreading throughout the physical world and the spirit world. Today, on this providential land of Yeosu and Sooncheon, we will proclaim the opening of the new age of liberation and complete freedom in history, shouting until our lungs burst. We will light the beacon of true love on the mountaintop.
May you become the owners of Cheon II Guk. May you be the vanguard that builds Cheon II Guk. May you transcend religion, nation, race and the world, by building a bridge of blessed families across the vast Pacific Ocean.
In conclusion, I have prepared a special gift for all of you today. It is a booklet containing a collection of vivid and moving testimonies sent by the representatives of the four great religions and representative, world-renowned kings, presidents, journalists and scholars who have passed into the spirit world.
May God’s blessings be with you and your families.

The Three Great Subject Partners Principle
from the Viewpoint of God’s Providence
July 4, 2007
Yu Gwan-soon Gymnasium, Cheonan, Korea
Address at the World Culture and Sports Festival 2007
Distinguished guests from Korea and abroad, and athletes participating in this interreligious sports tournament:
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking part in the World Culture and Sports Festival 2007. It is a peace festival that is increasing its global presence. This year, we are celebrating the Twelfth World Culture and Sports Festival, with the theme “Beginning the Era of a New Universal Civilization of Peace.” The festival presents a model of harmony and peace that can bring together the 6.5 billion people of the world as one family under God.
Ladies and gentlemen, please look at the world today. Can we find leaders who are genuinely concerned for the future of humanity and who are making the sacrifices necessary to bring harmony and peace on an interreligious and international level? Human beings are like children who have lost their parents, like misguided youths who do not recognize their teachers, like sheep without a shepherd. People have become spiritually blind, unable to see more than an inch in front of them.
There are now some two hundred nations in the world. Yet, aren’t many of these nations engaged in fierce conflicts, directly or indirectly? Aren’t they all intent on pursuing their own interests? Even the United Nations, founded with the noble ideal of protecting the welfare and peace of humankind, has reached its limits. Watching helplessly without a solution to the global crises of war, starvation and disease, the United Nations is becoming an organization that exists more in name than in substance.
Thinking of ourselves as lords of creation, we human beings have forged our own history. Despite terrible massacres and natural disasters, the human race has survived and continues to multiply to this day. We seek a bright and happy world, but we have only a vague concept of what that might be. Why are we still unable to escape from the mire of sin and disease?
Ladies and gentlemen, on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the Peace Palace and coronation of the King and Queen of Peace on June 13, 2006, I proclaimed the basic duties and mission that all citizens of the kingdom of God, Cheon II Guk, must understand and fulfill. I did so in order to fulfill God’s call to lead people to overcome the tragic realities we are facing and live as one global family under God’s sacred reign of peace.
Today, I would like to address the theme “The Three Great Subject Partners Principle from the Viewpoint of God’s Providence.” This message is Heaven’s blessing that serves as an important teaching in guiding humanity’s future. Please open your heart and listen to these words so that you may prepare for your eternal life.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is important to know that at the time of creation God established the principle that human beings are to become three great subject partners. The first great subject partner we are to become is a true parent. God created us as His children. We are to become true children by perfecting our individual character after going through a period of autonomous spiritual growth based on the principles God established. We are then to become true couples, have our own children and attain the position of true parents. In this way, we are to perfect ourselves by practicing and embodying the true love that God bestowed upon us when He created us.
In reality however, moral values in our world today are deteriorating rapidly. The world is rejecting the time-honored moral laws governing the relationship between parents and children. Couples are discarding marital fidelity as an old-fashioned idea of previous generations. Brotherly love among siblings has become rare, submerged in the swamp of self- centered individualism. For these reasons, the most important thing to do is establish true families based on true love. This means we have to build families in which three generations live together in true love with true parents at the center.
The second great subject partner you are to become is a true teacher. Although the world is full of evil influences, one way or another, a person enters relationships in life where he or she is in a position to teach and to learn. Our first teachers are our parents. They are our first and greatest teachers. As true teachers the parents’ primary responsibility is to raise true children.
Children who are brought up by true parents through a true and good family education easily progress into their school education. This is the next stage. School provides an institutionalized education, however even within that framework teachers have the responsibility to guide and educate their students with the heart of a true parent so that they may become true individuals. By this I mean that horizontal, academic education needs to be carried out on the foundation of vertical, character education. Therefore a teacher must first possess the heart of a true parent.
The third great subject partner you are to become is a true owner. God created the universe and is the true Owner and Lord of all creation. God’s creation is the fruit of God’s complete investment, carried out with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. From His example, we can gain the wisdom that enables us to become true owners. The secret is to invest true love based on that absolute standard. The prerequisite of becoming a true owner is to possess the heart of a true parent.
The three great subject partners principle holds organic internal relationships that are mutual, absolute and indivisible. This is because a true parent, true teacher or true owner can stand in the position of either a subject partner or an object partner in relation to the other two. In other words, once you become a true parent, you also become a true teacher and a true owner. Once you become a true teacher, it includes being a true parent and true owner. Once you become a true owner, you will immediately become a true parent and true teacher as well.
From the outset, human beings were born to inherit and embody God’s complete three great subject partners principle. To become a person of character who perfects the three great subject partners principle, we need to become like God. We must have a heart like God’s and love people and all creation just as God does, based on God’s absolute standard. In other words, we need to attain a state of loving unity with God, wherein we can love the creation. At that point, true parenting, the true teaching and the true ownership converge.
The world operates through harmonious relationships in various systems. In this complex and diverse world, the principle of becoming a true owner naturally applies to the relationships between people, and it also applies to the relationship between human beings and the creation. What kind of person can be called a true owner? He or she is a person who lives for others, cares for others and sacrifices to serve others, and practices true love in their daily life. Such a person can be called a true owner. Also, the true owners of creation are people who care for all things in the creation with true love, protecting and nurturing them.
In light of this, it is not your position or status that makes you a true owner. It is determined by your character and capacity to love. The president of a company who loves and cares for all his employees with a parental heart is the true owner of that company. Only if the president of a nation loves its citizens as a parent can he or she become the true owner of that nation; it means raising them with care and sharing the sorrows and joys of life with them as if they were his or her children.
Ladies and gentlemen, God’s creation is truly mysterious and profound. God created us as His children, to be the lords of creation. To this end, God gave each of us a conscience as His highest and greatest gift. It is given to us as a compass to guide us through life in this earthly world. Our lifespan may be one hundred years. Regardless of who we are, from the moment of our birth to the moment we die we cannot escape the influence of our conscience.
The role of the conscience is as our true parent, true teacher and true owner. Our conscience acts as a true parent, true teacher and true owner on behalf of God, guiding our life and educating us from the time we are born. Our conscience keeps watch over our every action at every moment.
It is aware of our every word, thought and deed even before our parents, our teachers or God are. God endowed the conscience with the fundamental function of guiding and supervising our life.
Yet the conscience, which ought to be clear as crystal, has been clouded over due to the human Fall. Amid all manner of sin and spiritual sickness, it is now unable to fully function in its original capacity. That is why you need to become people who can listen to the voice of your conscience. You need to cry out to be liberated even one day sooner from this evil world that is under Satan’s dominion and to become a person who is free from its shackles.
However, there is no way for fallen people to restore the original function of the conscience by their own power. This is because they have not established a direct vertical relationship with God. The 6.5 billion people in the world today are off on a tangent, each and every one living under the illusion of being genuine and the best in his or her field. However, no one will be able to find the path to salvation until someone reaches the absolute standard of a direct 90-degree angle relationship with God. Beloved leaders from around the world, there is one person, the first and the last to hold such a position in history, that holds the key to free human beings from Satan’s bondage and lead them to heaven. That person is standing before you today.
I never wished for nor sought it, however I was anointed by God and placed in the position of the Savior, Messiah, returning Lord and the True Parent of humankind. It is a position that is absolutely free from the influence of Satan’s realm. God charged me, Reverend Moon, to practice and demonstrate first-hand a life based on the truth and on submission to the conscience. The path I am walking as a true parent, true teacher and true owner will allow the people of the world, who are going 6.5 billion separate ways, to be reconnected to God at a 90-degree angle. The more than 300 billion absolute, good spirits in the spirit world testify in unison to this fact. The founders of the great religions, led by Jesus, the great philosophers and thinkers, and even communist leaders, are shedding tears of gratitude for this amazing truth.
Ladies and gentlemen, even the people in the spirit world have no way to be saved without receiving the grace of the Blessing from the True Parents. The time has come for human beings to fulfill Heaven’s decree to create one family under God through the international and cross-cultural Blessing. What other way is there to create the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven other than by becoming one family under God? This is the way to create the ideal world that God envisioned at the time of the creation, a world in which all people are united beyond the boundaries of race, culture, religion and nation, a world where war and conflict do not exist.
Without your being aware of it, the True Parents have proclaimed the opening of the Era after the Coming of Heaven, which will allow humanity to be liberated. Even God will be liberated and God’s heart will be set completely free. The True Parents are now spreading this revolutionary truth to all corners of the earth, that we all must become true parents, true teachers and true owners.
Ladies and gentlemen, the fundamental spirit of the World Culture and Sports Festival 2007 is bringing all people together as one family, fulfilling a sacred task. As people of religion, culture and athletic prowess, we have the mission to come together as one and bring this era that begins the new universal civilization of peace into fruition. Religious people in particular need to become leaders of this sacred revolution of true love. I have already completed all the preparations necessary for this.
With a view to building the ideal kingdom of heaven that is God’s desire, I am promoting the world’s grandest project, which is to build a bridge and tunnel complex spanning the Bering Strait. It will be part of the International Highway of Peace that will connect all oceans and continents and allow people to travel at high speed around the globe.
The United Nations, which began with the noble ideal of realizing world peace, is now only a shadow of what it was meant to be. I cannot pretend that I don’t see this sad reality. Therefore I am promoting the renewal of the United Nations. In support of these efforts, I have founded the Universal Peace Federation as the new “Peace UN,” or “Abel UN,” based on the notion that new wine needs to be poured into fresh wineskins. The Universal Peace Federation will guide humanity in this era when we are beginning the new universal civilization of peace. It is already active in more than 120 nations.
All you have to do now is trust in and follow the True Parents. With your conscience as your compass, attain the status of a true parent, true teacher and true owner. Manifest true love in your daily life, thus ensuring your eternal life in heaven. Heavenly fortune will speed you on your path, and your good ancestors who have received the marriage Blessing will actively assist you in your activities. Have courage, and strive to go forward!
I pray that you may all attain the true family ideal so that you can see the advent of the era of the kingdom of peace under the sacred reign of peace, based on the three great subject partners principle.
Thank you very much.
Event to Mark the Distribution of
Fifty Thousand Copies of Father’s
March 5,2011
Caesars Palace Hotel, Las Vegas, USA
Congratulatory event for the distribution of Father’s autobiography
Respected leaders from around the world, distinguished guests from home and abroad, ladies and gentlemen:
My family and I welcome you and sincerely thank you for gracing this assembly to commemorate the successful local distribution of fifty thousand copies of my autobiography, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen. Your coming here despite your busy schedules has made today’s event a great success.
The oceans are a repository of resources
Ladies and gentlemen, humanity is struggling with more problems than it has ever had to deal with before. Among the 6.5 billion people in the world, more than 900 million are suffering from malnutrition at this very moment. On average, every six seconds a young child dies of malnutrition. The United Nations proclaimed that by the end of 2015 it would reduce the number of people going hungry. Yet the output of corn and other crops has been effected by climate change, and experts predict that the number of people going hungry is going to double by the year 2020.
What measures can we take to address and resolve the serious problem of starvation? The answer lies in the ocean, which is a treasure-store of renewable resources covering three-quarters of the earth. Our planet Earth is dying due to pollution of every kind, however amid the depletion of resources, the ocean is a goldmine filled with raw materials that will revive this planet. In it we find the promise of a bright future for humankind.
For more than fifty years, since the 1960s, I have been investing in ocean industries and developing marine-related technology, for the purpose of freeing humankind from hunger. In the 1980s I built the Good-Go boats as a step forward for ocean industries in the United States and around the world. In the 1990s I invested in the ocean industry in South America, especially in Brazil and Uruguay, and created a marine network connecting fifty- two nations.
On that foundation, since the year 2000 I have been developing the city of Yeosu, situated on the southern coast of Korea, and Hawaii, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, to become hubs for the ocean industry in the Pacific Rim era. I am now expediting preparations in Yeosu. Based on the foundation I laid there, it was selected as the host city for Expo 2012.
Next, on February 17,2011 at an event for leaders from around the world, I introduced the Negative N. C. Resin Mold boat construction method that I devised. I held a launching ceremony for the boat Cheon Jeong Ho, which was built using this new technology.
Recendy I have been appraising possibilities for the fresh water resources at the Hoover Dam and Lake Mead, as well as the beautiful scenic spots in the surrounding area such as the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Zion Canyon and Sedona, Arizona. I consider these to be part of the Pacific Rim. I would love to make this area into the largest and greatest tourist and leisure location in America and even the world. By preserving its natural environment, which God gave to humankind as a blessing, I am working to make this area a paradise on earth for future generations, a place where they can feel gratitude and joy.
Ladies and gentlemen, throughout my life I have taught living for the sake of others as the way to practice the true love of God. I have continuously made effort to promote the welfare and peace of the people of the world, through the ocean industry and in a diverse array of fields.
The turbulent ninety-two years of my life
On three occasions in the year 2010, which was last year, I held the “Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind who, as God’s Embodiments, Proclaim the Word.” These occasions took place in New York, Las Vegas and, lastly, Korea. I am 91 years old this year, yet I have not ceased my efforts. I continue to stand at the forefront of bringing about peace for all humankind. In March of last year, after the death of General Alexander Haig, I explained to the world the significance of the Seunghwa Ceremony, a ceremony that prepares a welcoming path into eternal life as we depart our life on earth.
I believe that all of you gathered here today may have read my autobiography, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen. Since its publication in early 2009 in Korea, it has been a bestseller, and it continues to be loved by Korean people. It is in the process of being translated into 43 languages, including English, French, Spanish and Japanese.
I received God’s seal at the time of my birth and have been running forward for the past 91 years. Throughout my turbulent life, I could not even imagine living for myself. Above me was God, whom I needed to liberate, and around me were my fellow human beings, all of whom needed salvation from Satan’s dominion of evil and sin. Awake or asleep, I could never forget that this was my mission, which I had dedicated my life to fulfill. Since I began it, more than ninety years have passed.
My work to build a peaceful world rooted in God’s love, both in the spirit world and in the physical world, has taken me across the five oceans and six continents. I am probably at the age when I ought to retire and enjoy the rest of my life in peace. However, I have never once deviated in my course to realize God’s Will, and there is still much to do. I cannot simply depart for heaven, neglecting the victims of crime, starvation and disease.
I have established an extensive global training program to enable the ideal of the true family to take root. It is based on my teachings, as expressed in my autobiography and in the Eight Great Textbooks that I am bequeathing to the people of the world as part of my last will and testament. This responsibility belongs to my wife and me in our capacity as the True Parents of humankind.
My autobiography is the testimony of my life
Honored guests, my autobiography is not the record of an ordinary person’s life. It is the True Parent’s testimony and journal, honestly describing my remarkable life of fulfilling God’s Will. It is a record of my desperate battles with Satan, which I carried out in order to save humanity. Its pages express the drops of sweat that I shed as I wrestled with the spiritual axis of the earth, standing on the verge of death. It is a model and guide of true love, and the story of a true family that overcame many life-threatening crises in its determination to invest its sweat for earth, tears for humankind and blood for heaven.
I hope that you will open the doors of your hearts and read my autobiography closely. Please take my hand as I walk on this lonely course of saving humanity. Let us not only secure your eternal life and that of your family; let us also bring all of humanity to God, so that everyone may receive salvation and eternal life.
Our ultimate goal is to establish God’s kingdom and His righteousness, so that we may live attending God as the center. Jesus spoke of God’s kingdom. What kind of kingdom would that be? It would be the ideal kingdom of peace, which takes the form of a true, ideal family in which three generations, grandparents, parents and children, live together united in love, in mutual trust, respect and interdependence. It would be a nation of God’s sovereignty, the ideal world of which humankind has dreamed.
Korea is the nation that has preserved these traditions and customs better than any other. The Korean traditional extended family system, in which three generations live together as one family, has been passed down through its five-thousand-year history. It is the family system that all humanity can use as a guide for family ethics. This is why Heaven prepared Korea from long ago to be the central nation in God’s kingdom of Cheon II Guk.
I am promoting a movement to realize a society where all people become one family based on interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values. It begins with a single family. In such a society, everyone will break down the walls in their hearts, nations will remove the boundaries between them, and so on up to the cosmic level. Therefore, it is our providential calling to create our own true families. These will advance the establishment of the Kingdom of Cosmic Peace and Unity on this earth, centered on God.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are living in a historic time of great transition. It is the time of the great cosmic revolution that is changing the course of history, uniting the spirit world and the physical world, and creating the ideal kingdom of heaven. This is what God has longed for since the beginning of time.
We can no longer postpone or prolong the fulfillment of His wish. Heaven has already proclaimed that January 13,2013 will be “Foundation Day.” That day will be the actual beginning of God’s kingdom of Cheon II Guk. That day will be the origin. Less than two years remain until then.
Therefore, it is time for all people to humble themselves and offer themselves to Heaven’s decree. The fateful time is upon us today, when we must build a world under the guidance of True Parents. They are carrying out the earthly providence of God, the King of Peace, as His substantial body.
The speech given at the assembly for the proclamation of the word is a message from heaven
Ladies and gentlemen, now is a serious and yet blessed time, when this revolutionary and cosmic change is coming into your lives. Therefore, I would like to convey Heaven’s message by summarizing the concluding remarks in my address given at the “Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, who, as God’s Embodiment, Proclaim the Word.”
First, all families need to educate themselves every day. The father, mother, sons and daughters need to completely unite to attend God as their center. Education in the family should be thorough. Parents and children need to unite by coming together to read the textbooks that True Parents have bequeathed, and also True Father’s autobiography.
Second, the father, mother, sons and daughters in each family need to attain the standard of an absolute father, absolute mother, absolute sons and absolute daughters, who live their lives with God’s love. In this way, they will establish a family that is absolutely rooted in God’s love. Heaven has now permitted the grace of the realm of Seunghwa, which confers rebirth and resurrection. It is bestowed on whole families in which the parents and children have achieved complete unity under God. Thus, you need to establish such absolute families.
Third, you must commit yourselves to opening the reign of tranquility and prosperity, the victorious reign centered on God and True Parents, during True Parents’ time on earth. Thanks to the grace of True Parents’ suffering, humankind has moved out of the era of restoration through indemnity. True Parents shed blood and sweat to overcome this era. Please remember that we all have the responsibility to liberate the realm of hell, with its families, tribes, peoples, nations and the world. We should do so during True Parents’ time on earth.
Fourth, do not forget that we are at a critical point in time, having less than two years remaining until we enter the era of peace under God’s direct dominion. I ask you to reflect deeply upon the fact that we have entered the era of the realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of true love. In that realm, all families need to live together and share their joys as tribes spanning eight generations, embracing the ideal of all humankind becoming one family.
The world of one family under God is unfolding before your eyes, where all people are equal and all nations are like siblings.
Let us all pray for this great project
My plans for developing the area of the Hoover Dam and other areas surrounding Las Vegas here in the American West will soon become well known. These projects will contribute greatly to fulfilling the ideal of one family under God. I hope that you will participate in these grand projects for the sake of humanity, and become reliable workers who pray and shed sweat together with us.
If you become one with me in heart, as revealed in my autobiography, then this city of Las Vegas, whose wickedness and evil has led to it be called “sin city” will become a major global contributor to the foundation of the Abel UN centering on God. Las Vegas will become a shining city that is governed by God’s true love. I have no doubt that Las Vegas can become a shining city. Instead of sin city, it will be a “sun city’ a city with a bright future.
I pray in True Parents’ name that Heaven’s blessing will be with you, your families and your nation. Let us offer hope and value to God as we arrive at the final point of this great historical transition.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.

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